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Author Topic: folder.jpg instead of Folder.jpg  (Read 996 times)


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folder.jpg instead of Folder.jpg
« on: December 12, 2009, 01:41:00 pm »

I got a new Android Phone Recently, and used Media Center to keep my music in sync.

I like the fact that I can have Media Center include the album cover with the files (not as a tag).

However, the Android is looking for "folder.jpg" rather than "Folder.jpg".

While I am able to make this simple change manually, it might be a nice feature to add to allow he user to specify the file name to use for the folder image?


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Re: folder.jpg instead of Folder.jpg
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2009, 09:18:21 pm »

If you want a easier method of doing this until J River implements this change, instead of doing it manually, you can create a batch file in your collections root folder with a command such as this (will work in Vista+):
Code: [Select]
@echo off
forfiles /S /M folder.jpg /C "cmd /c (if @file==\"Folder.jpg\" ren @file folder.jpg && echo Renamed @relpath to folder.jpg)"
echo Done!
(Just save as a *.bat file)
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