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Author Topic: SOLVED - Artists from mulit-artist albums do not appear on iPod Classic.  (Read 3256 times)


  • MC Beta Team
  • Citizen of the Universe
  • *****
  • Posts: 3964

My iPod Classic 6th gen 160GB is not displaying artists that ONLY appear on "multiple artist" albums -- these artists are simply missing from the lists.  In other words, I have a "Folk" genre in my library that has 22 artists and 4 albums in it.  When I navigate to "Folk" on the iPod, however, it only lists 3 artists.  The iPod fails to list ANY of the 8 artists that appear on the 4th Folk album.  The actual "album" is listed if I go to "All Artists," and I can play it, but I cannot see any of the 8 artists in the iPod's lists.  It doesn't matter if I navigate via "Genres > Artist" or just straight to "Artist."

Note that if an artist appears on any SINGLE ARTIST album anywhere in the library, they WILL appear in the iPod's "artist" lists.  It's only the artists that are ONLY on multi-artist albums that are not appearing in the iPod's lists.  In other words, I have Louis Armstrong on both single artist and mult artist albums, so he DOES appear in the iPod's lists.

I took some time to check this for consistency, and it is completely consistent.  If I use MC to display ONLY single artist albums, the list matches the list of artists on the iPod.  If an artists ONLY appears on a multi-artist album, the iPod does not list them.

I started with a full initialize before syncing, and I have NEVER had iTunes installed on this system.  The firmware on the iPod has not been updated since JR advised not to do this quite a while back.  This does not happen on my 5th gen iPod video.

How should I proceed?  Should I update the firmware on the iPod Classic?



Nevermind.  I just found that "compilations" had been checked on the iPod for some reason, which resulted in this behavior.  I did not think to check this (did not even remember that this was there.)  I'll leave this post here just in case anyone else runs into the same issue.

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