I recently finished a double-blind ABX of Nero AAC vs. Lame MP3 and found enough of a difference at ~175 kbps (-q 0.5 vs. -v3) to warrant a change to my lossy library for portable use. I know that if you were to add a plug-in, you'd have to pay licensing fees for the AAC format. I'm happy using the "external encoder function" when converting my original FLAC files, but I'm having trouble using the NeroAAC tag tool to add tags from the original FLAC file in JRiver. The parameters I'm currently using are listed here.
Filename: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
Parameters: /c ""C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy\neroaacenc.exe" -q 0.5 -if %IN -of %OUT && "C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy\Neroaactag.exe" %d -meta:artist="[artist]" -meta:album="[album]" -meta:track="[track #]" -meta:title="[title]" -meta:genre="[genre]" -meta:year="[date]""
My obvious problem is that I don't know what tagging switches to call from JRiver to pass to the tagging program. The global values (used by EAC and other programs) don't seem to work either (e.g -meta:artist="%a") Could you please provide some insight?