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Author Topic: New Library w/Old Custom Fields  (Read 1675 times)


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New Library w/Old Custom Fields
« on: January 19, 2010, 06:26:57 pm »

I have tags, custom tags and artwork imbedded in my mp3 files. I’ve just copied all my music over to a new external drive. I then created a new MC library and imported all those files in to that new library. However, I can’t seem to duplicate/find/display my custom tags.

Old Drive = G, Library = “default”. This library displays my custom tags. “Chart Peak” for example.
New Drive = V, Library = “IOMEGA – TEST”

With "IOMEGA - TEST" library loaded, I made a new display column/tag called “Chart Peak”. This column displays empty for the entire library. (I’m not sure how it would know what where to find the proper begin/end of a custom field anyway.)

I took a file from my new drive/library, “addicted to love.mp3” that shows the “Chart Peak” field empty and renamed it to “test tag.mp3”. I then imported this file, “test tag.mp3” into my original “default” library. Whether “test tag.mp3” is on drive C, G or V it always displays “P01” (pop chart #1) in the “Chart Peak” column.

What’s the solution?



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Re: New Library w/Old Custom Fields
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2010, 06:10:15 am »

by default user fields have "Store in file tags" unticked, so if you have an mp3 that can be written to, you will not be able to read this tag from a new library even after you have added the user field.

it's not a good idea to create a new library..much better to restore (and from there make your changes), if you do create a new library and you have files that do not have the ability to be written to our as above (unticked) have to use the export/import of .mpl to be able to get the data you have written to the db..

before you import an .mpl you have to create the user field and make sure you have the exact correct path to the file


Alex B

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Re: New Library w/Old Custom Fields
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2010, 06:55:51 am »

With "IOMEGA - TEST" library loaded, I made a new display column/tag called “Chart Peak”. This column displays empty for the entire library. (I’m not sure how it would know what where to find the proper begin/end of a custom field anyway.

How "old" is the old library? I e. which MC or MJ version created the file tags? MC is supposed to support reading custom tags that are created with older MC versions.

However, if you created the new custom library field after importing the files you need to use the "Update Library (from tags)" tool for populating the field values.

Also, did you actually create the library field in Options > Library & Folders > Manage Library Fields? If you only created an expression column in a list view that did not create a new database field.

As Lasse said, a way to resolve the problem would be to create a library backup file and restore it when the new library is loaded. MC can easily fix the base path to point to your new drive.

After the restore and path fix you can update the physical file tags from the library if still needed.

I have posted some instructions for fixing library paths here:


I don't think MP3 files can be "unwritable", unless tagging is disabled by changing MC's settings or the files are intentionally set to be read only.
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:


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Re: New Library w/Old Custom Fields
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2010, 07:20:58 am »


I don't think MP3 files can usually be "unwritable", unless tagging is disabled by changing MC's settings or the files are intentionally set to be read only.

no, maybe i confused you..i meant general files (files that don have tags in them, like data and video)
and as i said, you have to set "Store in file tags", and what i know, if you don't do that the mp3 will not be written to
..but you can of course update later if you have forgotten to tick it (but maybe i'm wrong here)

Alex B

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Re: New Library w/Old Custom Fields
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2010, 07:30:23 am »

Yes, the info is correct for "untaggable" file types and for any file types when the custom field is not set to write tags (as you said).

However, Randy already demonstrated that the old library can read the tag from a renamed file and I was afraid that he would get even more confused.

I just re-read his post and I think the problem is indeed caused by creating the custom field too late, after the import or by creating only the column instead of the actual library field.
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:


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Re: New Library w/Old Custom Fields
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2010, 08:15:18 am »

It' version 12.0.534. You've both given me some direction here. And you're right, apparently, I created an expression not a new field. I'll gingerly play with it a bit. Thank you.


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Re: New Library w/Old Custom Fields
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2010, 09:02:37 am »

Lassie/Alex all is working well. I have all files with my ratings in tact on my new drive. Thank you both for your help!
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