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Author Topic: Netscape 7 - if anybody's interested  (Read 1649 times)

Charlemagne 8

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Netscape 7 - if anybody's interested
« on: July 01, 2002, 02:41:29 pm »

It seems as though Netscape 6 appeared just a short time ago, and now it's almost time for Netscape 7. You can download Netscape 7 Preview Release at the Netscape site. Netscape 7 is interesting, and we've enjoyed taking it for a test run. However, we were less than pleased to discover that it installed itself over Netscape 6--an unseemly thing for a preview release to do.
That's right.
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RE:Netscape 7 - if anybody's interested
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2002, 03:02:40 pm »

I mentioned this a few threads ago but didnt leave a link, I have been strickly an IE user until now, Netscape 7.0 P1 is great and one heck of a step up. I no longer have the slow page loads and freez ups.
Robert Long


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RE:Netscape 7 - if anybody's interested
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2002, 04:02:52 pm »

Netscape's Virtual Machine is junk. Ironic, having been written by Sun.



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RE:Netscape 7 - if anybody's interested
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2002, 05:01:33 am »


I am using Mozilla 1.0 which I guess is Netscape 7.0 without all the excess stuff (Winamp, AOL Instant Messenger etc..) and I LOVE it. It is really fast and the e-mail client is excellent. I am using a great looking Charles Lindbergh skin on it (possibly the best looking skin I've ever seen). If I could delete IE 6.0 from my system I would but then I suspect a lot of programs on my computer wouldn't run.
It's alright now, I learned my lesson well, you see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself - Rick Nelson


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RE:Netscape 7 - if anybody's interested
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2002, 09:35:33 am »


Listening to the first Modern Lovers on vinyl

Netscape 7 is still a beta,NOT YET based on the final Mozilla


You use the Mozilla email client
Do you mean instead of Outlook ?
Do you mean you do not have Outlook on your computer?
Do you mean you use it for the pop up email from your internet provider?

If yes,can you send an email from internet explorer?
Take this forum.Rigth now you are with Internet Explorer,you want to email me
If you click on email in my profile,do you get Mozilla mail client open?
Or do you get a pop up windows "there is not shorcut set to send email using shotcut" or something like it?

To use IE6 IS NOT a good idea-stay with 5,5
Depending of the Windows you have ,you can uninstall IE
Problem with some updates from some softwares and windows player not working
But you can re-install IE after uninstalled it
In this case IE is a browser like Netscape or Opera,not anymore part of the os
When on slow connection ,i did not have IE on my computer.OS more stable,and Netscape working much much better

If you want to use Mozilla as your default browser,you may be short on plug-in.They have a page about plungings working or not with Mozilla

Anyway if you want i can give you a long list of plugings and programs not working with netscape 6 or 7,so at one point you may get more with Mozilla than netscape


Instead of putting all the aol junk on your computer-the Bill one is not enought?- Just do it

Go to
You can download a stripped LEGAL version of Netscape,with none of the aol junk

It is really funny how many people now like Netscape,when in fact it is just a big junk.With some nice features,i agree

I am just lost in the jungle now
-problem with Email Client
-Netscape a big s--t
-Mozilla pluging less
-and i cannot get to be used to Opera

so i use IE 5,5.Not that bad ,close to be good ,but i am not happy


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RE:Netscape 7 - if anybody's interested
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2002, 10:09:39 am »


what are the problems with IE6?

why is it better to use IE5.5?

did you say that it IS possible to uninstall IE completely and not have on the system? -does Window's still work like this?

btw: you mentioned before that you could uninstall WMP. does this work for WinXP?

Sorry for all the questions




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RE:Netscape 7 - if anybody's interested
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2002, 10:17:11 am »

Have you tried Eudora for e-mail?

Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:Netscape 7 - if anybody's interested
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2002, 11:06:18 am »


Maximun i can use ,like now for the first time in my life Outlook express-
I want to have a look at Eudora

But i am lost rigth now.I still have problems with my computer.
Not the sames than before.
But my computer runs like a very old car.From time to time total frooze and a noise'click,click,click' for one or 2 seconds

The hard drive has problem,i am sure.
Anyway "rich people problems' as my father says


Problems with IE6.To be fair more of a general feeling .
But a real problem with Java.Tell me the REAL difference with 5,5?
Just a very primitive cookies manager.
At this level Netscape is much better

Concerning WindowsMediaplayer ,it is not that you remove it,you change for 6,4.
Smaller,stable,opening fast and not eating all your computer resources.

The program i use is only for ME.

There is more in the game with Windows player and the updates for it
If you read the agrement ,they say that there is included in the update something giving Microsoft the rigth and possibility to auto install programs concerning  the rigth protection of documents in your computer-read music
It is more or less it,i do not remember 100% all the thing

we may just stop to use this forum to give time to Media Jukebox staff to put out a Linux version of MJ in no time- if not a Macc one...

Concerning IE,i was for a long time without it on my computer
There is few things not working as Windows Updates,but you just can acces it from the weeb,and Windows Mediaplayer.Not sure about it cause i never had it when on slow 56 modemn connection.But streaming on Windows format,was not working
Maybe some programs cannot acces the web for updates
I do not remember,cause if you remove IE from your computer,it is not for use craps as norton and mc affee

I can tell you that Netscape was working much much better,and the same for the computer.If i had to stream ,i used RealPlayer

Since with a fast connection i have Windows player.The codex are much better than the Real one ,sound and video.I mean REALLY better
So i have IE as well
I removed 'system restore'.'pc health',system files protection' and m
'movie maker'

Now if you have a fast connection and are in music,it does not make sens not to have Windows player-i am not saying you have to use it- and in this case you need IE
But even with IE on your computer,you do not need to open it
I used IE for the first time one or 2 months ago.
But now with all this netscape s..t,i use IE
It is not bad,just you feel you use a tool for mongoloide

If you want to try to remove IE,i can find the link for you-in Australia by the way-

But THERE IS NOT WAY BACK,only a clean install
There is-from the same person- another program to strip and set Windows as you want.The results are great,trust me.
But does not make sens for people like us

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In memory of Uri


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RE:Netscape 7 - if anybody's interested
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2002, 11:28:55 am »

On your hesitation problem, I had one once that sounds like this.  It turned out that Microsoft was indexing a lot of files.  It may have been findfast, but I'm not sure.  I think the fix was a setting in Office or Word.  The Microsoft support site had the fix.

When I searched on google just now, I didn't find it, but I did find one that recommended removing findfast.  I'm not at all sure about that though.
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:Netscape 7 - if anybody's interested
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2002, 12:11:44 pm »


Thank you .But i do not have Office or Word
What i want to do is to remove drive C
But first i need to move allmost 40 GB of music from D to E
And to format D..not fast task

I want to be sure.Cause i have a tower now; the shop is where i lived until last december-25 kilometres from Tel-Aviv.And ,ice on the cake,i still cannot drive
If i drive my insurance is not working
You cannot expect them to pay me quite good money every month in one hand,and me driving when they doctor says i cannot in another hand


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RE:Netscape 7 - if anybody's interested
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2002, 12:32:10 pm »

See what you can do about findfast.  I'm not sure.  There are some good web sites on Windows tuning.
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:Netscape 7 - if anybody's interested
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2002, 07:37:38 pm »

Also check Indexing Service (on Win2k & XP), though not sure what OS you are running. I have seen on slower machines where the service does not release CPU & disk resources quickly.



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RE:Netscape 7 - if anybody's interested
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2002, 05:04:07 am »

>>Listening to the first Modern Lovers on vinyl<<

Ahhh... Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers, a very good and underrated band.


If I click on a mail link, OE still opens up. I use the Mozilla e-mail client for sending and receiving letters. You are right about the plugins, I tried to use Netscape radio and I get a message to download RealPlayer even though it is in the computer and I copied the files that Mozilla suggests into the plugin folders. I then download Realjunk One and that would crash Mozilla whenever I tried to listen to Netscape Radio. I was sort of relieved because I quickly uninstalled that garbage and ran adaware to get rid of the spyware crap it installed, went back to RealPlayer 8.0 and though I still can't listen to netscape Radio everything else is back to normal.

I use Microsoft Word, Excel etc.. and I get a feeling that if I uninstalled IE there would be a lot of bugs showing up. Thanks for the link on, I may try that for the future.
It's alright now, I learned my lesson well, you see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself - Rick Nelson


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RE:Netscape 7 - if anybody's interested
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2002, 05:45:55 am »


Ok,i understand ,you have Outlook Express
When using Netscape 4|PLS|,i had ONLY Netscape mail client.And it was working fine with-and still is- working fine with IE

So i do not think that it is a Microsoft nasty play
Concerning plugins,yes it is a problem
Most of us a looking for an easy way to surf,download and so one
ZonaAlarm pro 3 "privacy" section [pop up and cookies] does not work with Netscape or Mozilla,and many things like it
When a real Netscape final out things may change
But my love story with Netscape is over
I use now the 'my Yahoo home page'.It is just great.And the Yahoo email instead of mail
I still like more the Netscape .net.mail,but i open the Yahoo one in one second...
I got the tip from Nicolay,and i have to say that the lot home page,calendar,email and more is one of the most outstanding free stuff i never used

I have only Windows,not any other programs as Office,Word,Exel
But ,if i want to be honest,it does not make sens to remove IE if you run this kind of programs or if you are in music

Tell me ,really RealOne has spyware?!?!.I cannot believe it,after all the problems they had because of it with RealJukebox !

If you listen to radio when working at the computer,you can try Spinner.The best music you can get on the weeb.In fact Netscape radio use Spinner software,but not they programs

Thinking about the pub on your site,i have to ask you about The Feelies--They are from Hoboken
Do you know \like them?

Listening to: 'Blues Theme From Teengerate Vs. Godzilla' from 'Mother####er 666' by 'Mother####er 666' on Media Jukebox


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RE:Netscape 7 - if anybody's interested
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2002, 09:28:30 am »

JimH and DillWeed

Windows ME running now on drive D instead of C

Speed like before,connection fast as before,until now no problems,no 'click-click'

Look like the drive C is kappout.
It is what you think?
If yes this is the third time in one year|PLS| that they will have to change it............This will be my third drive in one year!
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