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Author Topic: MC 15 Feature Requests  (Read 79759 times)


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #200 on: July 10, 2010, 07:21:13 pm »

I would like to have the ability to change the library on the library server from the client. Just like you can with locak libraries. Not beeing able to do this greatly diminishes the use of the library server function for me, and I would suspect other people who regularly change between libraries, and would like to use the library server.
Asked this before myself.
Only exception that it allows for passwording libraries!


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #201 on: July 14, 2010, 07:51:55 am »

Usage of additional srt subtitles for dvd's exported to hard drive.
E.g. If I add file to the movies video_ts folder this english subtitle file could be used for vts_01 VOBs.

This kind of feature is already included at least in media player classic hc.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #202 on: July 14, 2010, 03:25:26 pm »

Is XM Radio Online...going to work on MC15 or not?

A few people have asked for this since MC13, but seem to be ignored...



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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #203 on: July 30, 2010, 12:39:46 am »

I will gladly upgrade if I could enjoy these features:

-Save activate plug-in chains (including each plug-in's settings ) as presets and easily switch between them. This is very useful since I have different EQ, crossfeed, and ARC System settings for my various headphones and speaker sets. The current zone system is not a workable substitute since the different zones do not respond to the same track being played, thus useless for when someone simply wants to A/B different speaker sets or headphones while listening to the same track.

-Configurable amount of seek jumps via hotkey (CTRL+SHIFT+Arrow) instead of locked at 30 seconds forward and 10 seconds backward.

-When I choose to show cover art in the Display window (above the action window), it should stay on only showing the cover art of whatever track is being played. Right now, if I switch to another track, it'll start playing a slideshow of all the cover art, and I don't want it to do that.

-The Clip protection of Overflow Handling in the Volume Leveling is inadequate. It often distorts the audio. You guys really need to take a close look at what's happening there. Sometimes I'd have to set the Adjustment (Fixed) to a lower number to get rid of the clipping distortion. I shouldn't have to do that because Volume Leveling should never clip or distort if I have Clip portection turned on. At the moment I've found +5.0 dB to be a pretty good compromise, but I much prefer to set it higher so I don't have to crank my speaker control up as much (because when other Windows sound plays when I'm listening to music it startles and is annoying).

-I should be able to setup one customized view, and then apply it to absolutely everything that I would ever see in MC. Applying it to a parent folder and then force the child folders, or using the Load a View in Customize Views are both clunky and unnecessary. I simply want to have one unified view setting no matter if I'm in Playing Now, any of the Playlists, or whatever, without having to manually apply them to a bunch of different folders.

-A comprehensive minimized taskbar view--ideally customizable and able to show the name of the artist, track, rating, genre, cover art...etc. I should be able to set what I want it to display, or if the text should scroll or not or I simply mouse-over to see all the information. I should also be able to have all the playback controls, and be able to rate a track in the minimized view.

-Sync with handheld devices doesn't work as well as should. When I sync my Creative Zen 32 GB player, MC would very often reupload tracks that are already on the player and then rename the track with a number in parenthesis at the end like this:

Artist - Track Name.mp3
Artist - Track Name (225).mp3

It should catch duplicate track more accurately. I now have a ton of duplicate tracks on my player and it's a pain in the ass to hunt them all down to delete them. Very unhappy about this.

These are just some off the top of my head. I'm not even going to mention that I have NEVER, EVER gotten MC14 to play any video correctly since I owned it. Doesn't matter if it's a DVD, avi, mov, flv, mp4, or whatever. NOT A SINGLE video can be played in MC14--it always freezes and crashes. I've tried this on 3 different computers now--one is a Vista 64-bit, one is XP 32-bit, and one is a Win7 64-bit.  I never use MC for images either since it's so basic that I could do far more with free image browers/managers/editors like XnView.



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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #204 on: July 30, 2010, 02:03:22 pm »

Hi Lunatique,

I understand specially the comments you made for the video stuff.

I had similar behaviours for videos, but when I turned off the video option for DVD's "Use ffdshow for video decoder for post processing" it works pretty good.

In general I agree that the development in MC for vidoes is poor and it seems, that the developing folks are more focused in "new" stuff, than in finishing the features they already created.

I know by my own experiences, that it is not always easy to treat with the option "new features" or feature stable versions. But I really would like to make a hint for the future:

For further development of the programm, it would be a nice idea if the crowd out there would be able to vote for some features they like and the developing team would realize these features. This would give J.R. the option to focus on "new" stuff for selling the product and the people which already purchased the program, beeing heard by their wishes.

I don't want to be misunderstood. MC is a affordable program for the features they offer. I know that everybody at J.R. is doing a great job in developing a program like MC. I understand your passion and efforts in the development team, but please understand us users as well. Some of us are having a longer past with MC and some maybe not more willing to spent much more time in trying things.





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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #205 on: July 30, 2010, 02:14:43 pm »

I cleaned up your language.  If you need to use profanity, please do it on another board.

Your video comments are very strange.  Your DirectShow filters are probably the problem.  Try CCCP and the DirectShow article on our wiki.

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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #206 on: July 30, 2010, 04:39:05 pm »

In general I agree that the development in MC for vidoes is poor...

There's no justification for this statement. While there's always room for improvement, I'm unaware of any software I'd rather use—even if just for video.

and it seems, that the developing folks are more focused in "new" stuff, than in finishing the features they already created.

For the kind of development that goes on here, this criticism can always be made by those who are not satisfied with an existing feature. But the comment is purely negative and essentially useless. Without a long history of a (appropriate, I'd say) focus on "new" stuff, most of the "old" stuff wouldn't exist. If the developers wasted time waiting for the dust to settle on one thing before moving on to the next, they'd never get anything done. It's more effective for them to do their best with a new feature, and then move on. They can and do revisit, refine and update features. We all have our list of things we wish they would revisit sooner than later, but they seem to get around to most of them—eventually.

For further development of the programm, it would be a nice idea if the crowd out there would be able to vote for some features they like and the developing team would realize these features.

Isn't that what we're doing here? ;)


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #207 on: July 30, 2010, 05:00:43 pm »

Please start a new thread with whatever problems or suggestions you have.




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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #208 on: July 30, 2010, 10:47:28 pm »

I cleaned up your language.  If you need to use profanity, please do it on another board.

Your video comments are very strange.  Your DirectShow filters are probably the problem.  Try CCCP and the DirectShow article on our wiki.

I thought as long as I didn't spell anything out and used hypens to replace alphabets, it's acceptable. But I guess as long as people can guess the words then it is profanity, just spelled differently.  :D But I apologize--I should know better. I'm one of the moderators at one of the largest CG portals on the planet, and we do allow changed spellings of profanity there so I assumed it's ok here too.

I'll investigate the video settings further and see if it changes anything. But it's very strange that on 3 different computers and OS's it doesn't work.



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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #209 on: July 31, 2010, 10:36:09 am »

I thought as long as I didn't spell anything out and used hypens to replace alphabets, it's acceptable. But I guess as long as people can guess the words then it is profanity, just spelled differently.  :D But I apologize--I should know better. I'm one of the moderators at one of the largest CG portals on the planet, and we do allow changed spellings of profanity there so I assumed it's ok here too.

I'll investigate the video settings further and see if it changes anything. But it's very strange that on 3 different computers and OS's it doesn't work.

Thanks for your understanding.

Try uninstalling an old MC versions.  Also, DirectShow filters can conflict with each other.  There are solutions for uninstalling old filters. 

Win7 added some filters that old versions of MC may try to load but cannot use.  MC15 should solve that.

You might start a thread and ask for help from users like jmone, glynor, fitbrit, and others.  If you uncover a problem, we'll fix it.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #210 on: July 31, 2010, 10:43:58 am »

I sent you e-mail yesterday.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #211 on: August 04, 2010, 04:17:13 pm »

I've been working on an ASP.Net project to write my own custom JRiver interface using MCWS, so far I can:

List zones and change as necessary
Retrieve Playing Now playlist
Skip to any track in above playlist
Retrieve current playing track info and album art
Search Library
Play track from search results

Additional MCWS commands that would enable me to develop a complete web interface:

Get All Playlists
Create Playlist
Add to Playlist
Return List of all track id's (Search for all does not return ID, I would use this to index the tracks in a back end db to enable quicker searching)
Sync Zones (2 or more)
Unsync Zones
Search Albums (current search returns all tracks)
Search Artists (as above)
Wildcard in Search Functions (or does this exist already??? I'm using "Query=([Album]=[words]")

Do you have any plans to expose any of the DLNA functions through MCSW?

Once complete I'm happy to share this interface with a few users and get some feedback and ideas to improve.



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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #212 on: August 04, 2010, 04:18:58 pm »

Could you describe why you're doing this?  It would be interesting to hear.




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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #213 on: August 04, 2010, 04:25:22 pm »


Starting to put together a "one stop" web media control interface which will interface with VLC, some home automation devices (e.g. X10), use the IR Blaster to control Sky Boxes etc, control the heating and also control the media throughout the home.

Lots of interfaces/tools available that can do most of these things individually but not one that can do it all from a single interface...for example have a "Party Mode" that will dim the lights, turn the TV off and play a playlist all from the press of a button...will be a long project but having just finished a self build this is my next project to finish off the house :)

Hope this helps


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #214 on: August 04, 2010, 04:29:07 pm »

Thanks.  Is it for your personal use only or do you see an opportunity for a commercial product?


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #215 on: August 04, 2010, 04:39:55 pm »

Excuse me.. but havent i already spent days writing up a similiar scenrio, and not recieved a single reply from admins about this?

JRiver The Ultimate HTPC, and working towards something similiar like Cinemars products, and how they are already using plugins from you guys? which in turn should allow you guys to make plugins from there's? which would enable X10 lighting, temp control etc...


Starting to put together a "one stop" web media control interface which will interface with VLC, some home automation devices (e.g. X10), use the IR Blaster to control Sky Boxes etc, control the heating and also control the media throughout the home.

Lots of interfaces/tools available that can do most of these things individually but not one that can do it all from a single interface...for example have a "Party Mode" that will dim the lights, turn the TV off and play a playlist all from the press of a button...will be a long project but having just finished a self build this is my next project to finish off the house Smiley

Hope this helps


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #216 on: August 05, 2010, 03:52:51 pm »

Thanks.  Is it for your personal use only or do you see an opportunity for a commercial product?

purely personal use, no interest in developing commercial software but am happy to expand interface and share the work to continually see improvements in MC


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #217 on: August 11, 2010, 03:23:55 am »

Locked views:

1. It should not be possible to close a tab in a locked view. Many times I have closed a tab in a locked view when I wanted to close a browser window/tab in another view, which means that I have to unlock the view and add that tab again and then lock the view.

2. It could be considered to remove the new tab tab in locked views because there is not much one can do with the start window. A smarter approach would be the following: If a start window is active, send commands to that window even if is in a locked view. If this approach is chosen, then perhaps it should be possible after all to also close tabs in locked views.

An easier way to lock and unlock views would be nice, but I think this has already been requested.


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TV Series info via or similar ...
« Reply #218 on: August 13, 2010, 09:09:40 pm »

I love the movie feature where you can lookup info on Wikipedia for a movie and import it easily with a right click.
My media library is now dominated by TV Series of various types. Is it possible to allow this sort of functionality for TV show series.
It would be fantastic. Looking at it should be easy to do and free ?
Anyway this would be my number 1 request, I'm sure others would agree.

Since getting JRiver to just do Audio, it has been hijacked by the rest of the family and now gets predominantly used for movies, tv, etc ...
So this feature would be great and stop the troops getting restless :)


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #219 on: August 16, 2010, 12:51:43 pm »

I don't know this has been requested but I imagine could be an easy feature to implement.

We use a shared library, where the first MC to open the library gets full rights and others will get read only rights, we get the screen message about read only mode.

What I would like to see is either:

1) The words "read only mode" follow the library name onscreen to indicate to the user that this library is opened in this mode and that playlist and tagging changes will be lost if performed.

2) A Read Only mode skin selection so we could chose which normal mode skin is used based on if the library was opened in read only mode.  Users in the house could tell what mode they are in based on which skin MC was "wearing."

Is there a way to check your library rights status while a library is open without closing MC (or the library) and reopening?

Thanks for the best piece of software on my computer!



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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #220 on: August 27, 2010, 05:41:34 am »

option to scroll to the currently playing track in Playing Now or other lists, without having to go out and back into the list.

I noticed that currently if you get out of playing now, but then go back to it, it will scroll to the current track. is there an easier way, like: right click > scroll to current track? or does this still need to be implemented?

Running 15.0.95


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #221 on: August 30, 2010, 12:25:12 pm »

option to scroll to the currently playing track in Playing Now or other lists, without having to go out and back into the list.

I noticed that currently if you get out of playing now, but then go back to it, it will scroll to the current track. is there an easier way, like: right click > scroll to current track? or does this still need to be implemented?

Running 15.0.95


This annoys me too, and you also jump away from the current track if you search, and clear the search again you start at the beginning of the playlist.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #222 on: August 30, 2010, 12:29:53 pm »

option to scroll to the currently playing track in Playing Now or other lists, without having to go out and back into the list.

I noticed that currently if you get out of playing now, but then go back to it, it will scroll to the current track. is there an easier way, like: right click > scroll to current track? or does this still need to be implemented?

Running 15.0.95



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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #223 on: September 02, 2010, 04:42:09 am »



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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #224 on: September 02, 2010, 11:04:50 am »

The ability for JRiver to show front and rear cover art, with the option to display in a jewel CD case. The ability to browse cover art, booklet etc whilst in the Audio mode.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #225 on: September 05, 2010, 09:38:08 pm »

modular updates, so I don't have to download +16mb every few days when there's a new release

(is this correct terminology?)


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Re: Last.Fm Scrobbler working together with DLNA
« Reply #226 on: September 06, 2010, 07:38:32 am »

When I am using the DLNA feature in order to stream music stored on my Laptop, connected to WD-TV LIVE, connected to my HiFi, the LAST.FM plugin is not scrobbling the songs played.

Would be nice, if scrobbling works together with DLNA!

I'm keen to have the DLNA Media Server and the Last.FM scrobbler plugin connected as well. I use my PS3 and iPad to connect to MC15's DLNA and it would be nice if everything i listened to was being uploaded to last.FM

I seem to remember that that they were actually connected together in MC14 (back when the Media Server plugin was called DLNA Server (or similar))

Another feature i'd really like to see would be a cloud service which exposes my library to the Internet so that i have access to all my music when i'm away from home. Something similar to

NOTE: I realise that the Library Server does something similar, but with that, both clients need to be running the same version of MC15. I'm talking about playing my files on my home files on iPad or WinMobile phone when away from home. 

Simon Chick

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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #227 on: September 07, 2010, 07:08:03 am »

The ability for JRiver to show front and rear cover art, with the option to display in a jewel CD case. The ability to browse cover art, booklet etc whilst in the Audio mode.

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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #228 on: September 09, 2010, 05:48:01 pm »


ditto - plus the Cover Art display window should scroll all the cover art just like the thumbnails do when in album view.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #229 on: September 28, 2010, 05:31:20 pm »

I am writing a native Android App remote control that is designed for the playlist centric audiophile.  I am missing a couple of key features and I agree there are a few essentials functions that cliff_g mentioned about in his earlier post:

Get All Playlists
Play a playlist
Play (Shuffled) a playlist

I am also toying with adding a toggle menu item to stream the audio to the device for headphone/portable speakers.

What are my chances of these getting added to the MCWS library?


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #230 on: September 28, 2010, 05:59:46 pm »

I am writing a native Android App remote control that is designed for the playlist centric audiophile.  I am missing a couple of key features and I agree there are a few essentials functions that cliff_g mentioned about in his earlier post:

Get All Playlists
Play a playlist
Play (Shuffled) a playlist

I am also toying with adding a toggle menu item to stream the audio to the device for headphone/portable speakers.

What are my chances of these getting added to the MCWS library?

Please start a thread on the Media Network board.  In general, those all seem reasonable and I would expect we could add them to a coming build.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #231 on: September 29, 2010, 06:09:16 am »

Jump On Continuous Playback

In Theater View, I would like to be able to choose a "preferred" display (Last View, Display View, Standard View, ...) for each kind of media in a way that, in a continuous playback session of mixed media types, the views would automatically switch to the desired profile. Of course this option would have a "checkbox" to activate/disactivate - For example, I would disactivate when doing library management tasks, and then activate again in an audio and music videos session.

This feature/option could also be extended to the other views.

Would this be interesting for anyone else?  ;)

Thank You



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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #232 on: September 29, 2010, 07:29:52 pm »

Ability to print to printable CD's from Mediacenter's CD label creator.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #233 on: September 30, 2010, 04:33:56 am »

VST host functionality to allow control of channel routing of multiple instances of VST plugins.

The main application of this is for active speakers. So that a convolver plugin can take a stereo input and can output 6 channels (for 3 way).

For 5.1 or 7.1 this process is repeated for muliple instances of the convolver plugin.

Similarly, control over channel routing would allow for multiple subwoofers to be fed the same signal.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #234 on: October 01, 2010, 03:23:59 pm »

when i rip cds, i have a lot of fields with the same information. Would it be possible the "CD Information window" to expand with 6 or 8 or 10 library fields which i can select and enter data ?


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #235 on: October 04, 2010, 11:29:09 pm »

When using “Fill Properties From Filename” I would like the ability to save the naming conventions I use.
With this possible I would no longer need to be constantly opening text files to copy and paste from them. I currently do this every time I switch between tagging IfO’s, AVI’s, and Photos.
Please Consider.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #236 on: October 05, 2010, 12:09:03 am »

When using “Fill Properties From Filename” I would like the ability to save the naming conventions I use.
With this possible I would no longer need to be constantly opening text files to copy and paste from them. I currently do this every time I switch between tagging IfO’s, AVI’s, and Photos.
Please Consider.

Haha! I use text files on the desktop for this too.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #237 on: October 05, 2010, 01:28:21 pm »

It's been mentioned a few times in this thread, but I thought I'd mention it again: Some form of shared library feature so I can read/write to a common library stored on a NAS. It's a hassle only being able to use one PC to tag/arrange.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #238 on: October 05, 2010, 10:04:35 pm »

make it so minimizing jriver to system tray doesn't nuke my task bar ::)


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #239 on: October 06, 2010, 06:50:44 am »

make it so minimizing jriver to system tray doesn't nuke my task bar ::)
Please start a thread and provide some details.  Read the DirectShow article in the wiki and see the comments about Haali and FFDshow Taskbar notification.  Turn them off.  CoreAVC, too.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #240 on: October 06, 2010, 03:35:57 pm »

I would like to see embedded lyrics panel that fits MC window that retrieves its data from a number of lyrics DB sources.
Like the one Songbird has called LyricMaster,just to show an example of what im talking about:
See screenshot

Personally,I think Songbird is low featured software compared to Media Center and it needs further development.  But still,the idea of this kind of addon could be very useful

Alex Peychev

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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #241 on: October 18, 2010, 10:30:09 am »

Would it be possible to have the option ripping CDs in AIFF format?



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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #242 on: October 18, 2010, 06:38:41 pm »

Theater View
I can't see the vertical scroll bar on the right side of the screen when there are a lot of selections (like Artists, or Albums) when it is displayed on big-screen TVs... it is visible on the computer (laptop) screen fine, but the contrast (dark gray on dark gray and black) isn't quite enough to be visible when sitting 8 feet from a 73" diagonal screen. The arrows and the bar itself need a little more contrast so they can be seen a little more easily. It's not a calibration issue either... I do professional video calibration and the TV is essentially "perfect" calibration-wise. I'm not asking for anything radical, just enough of a bump in the dark gray areas of the scroll-bar/scroll arrows to make them a little more visible without being obnoxious.  I'm not using "computer video" (dSub-15 VGA-style connector), I'm usin HDMI out from the laptop to the home theater processor. Black level is set correctly... using the alternative setting for black level just makes black turn gray... which is un-helpful (-B

I can see the "dimmed" theater view choices when an album is playing (back, info, list, display view, stop, pause, precvious, etc.) with no problem. But that scroll bar is so dark, it is really difficult to see.

Action Window
If "Rip Disc" is selected here, it leads you into an unreliable workflow. You need to use Rip Disc up by the tab view (Standard View) after inserting a disc in an optical drive and selecting the optical drive's letter to get into a reasonably reliable/repeatable Rip mode.
The Rip Disc choice could be deleted from the Action Window so an unreliable workflow can't be started from there.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #243 on: October 23, 2010, 12:35:05 pm »

An option to import from your account the play count and last played data into the corresponding automatic MC fields, preferably a recurring automatic import.

Argument: MC is not the only software/device used to play music.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #244 on: October 24, 2010, 10:52:29 am »


About Feature Requests
On the top of WebPlay and WebRenote, is it possible to get a "Web Listen"
A Web access which listen and play to what is "played now" on MediaCenter PC, real time



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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #245 on: November 02, 2010, 11:40:59 am »

About a month ago I posted a request for the ability to save the naming conventions I use while using “Fill Properties From Filename”. Apparently this has existed since the beginning, but for some reason I just never noticed. Thank you for creating my requested feature years in advance. That’s good work.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #246 on: November 06, 2010, 03:50:54 am »

When the link feature (for looking up something on a website) is used, do not shift focus (but of course display the web page) so that the tag action window still shows the tags of the file(s) that were selected/in focus before the link was invoked. That way it would be easy to use the information on the resulting web page to adjust the tags. As it is now I have to switch back and select the files again and then switch back to the web page.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #247 on: November 07, 2010, 06:22:10 am »

I would love to see AMIP  Support, Which is already supported by Winamp, iTunes, QMP (QCD), foobar2000.

I use Irc Daily with Mirc for my job and would love to be able to show off song info!!!!!

Pass "now playing" song details to almost any application (IRC clients: mIRC, jIRCii, Bersirc; IM clients: Miranda, Trillian, MSN Messenger; E-mail clients: The Bat!, Outlook, Thunderbird; Web browsers, blogging tools, windows clipboard and so on)

Would take care of the Now playing Problem on pretty much every IM Application.

Also would like to be able to set a list for cover art to look for in the same directory as the files. Ie. folder.jpg, cover.jpg, cover.png, folder.png



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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #248 on: November 10, 2010, 06:05:19 am »

I would like to see embedded lyrics panel that fits MC window that retrieves its data from a number of lyrics DB sources.
Like the one Songbird has called LyricMaster,just to show an example of what im talking about:
See screenshot

Personally,I think Songbird is low featured software compared to Media Center and it needs further development.  But still,the idea of this kind of addon could be very useful
+1 and for it to save the lyrics to the audio file so next time you play the file it doesn't need to redownload
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  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #249 on: November 25, 2010, 01:08:02 pm »

I'd like to make a few features request here.

1. For WASAPI Event Style, please add 5 miliseconds option before lowest possible ones. For high performance PCI card, it could go even lower than buffer size or CPU speed to be handled. For example, RME HDSP AES-32 can play 24/192 fine at minimum but has occasional spike at 44.1/48 because buffer size couldn't be lower than 32. Adding this would be highly appreciated for greater sound I can get stable performance. 10 miliseconds is hardly bearable.

2. Please add upsampling to 2 times or 4 times mode so 44.1 and 48 base won't be mixed. 2 times won't upsample 176.4/192 and 4 times won't upsample 88.2/96.

Hope it's not too much to ask for. Thank you.
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