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Author Topic: how to exclude artists who apear only in compilation  (Read 5241 times)


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how to exclude artists who apear only in compilation
« on: March 14, 2010, 06:30:45 pm »

I'd like to be able to exclude artists who only appear in compilations when sorting/displaying my music library by 'artist'. Is that possible?

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Re: how to exclude artists who apear only in compilation
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2010, 08:59:41 pm »

If you mean that literally, I'm not sure. It is easy to simply exclude compilation albums from the view. Include in Rules for file display "Album Type does not contain Multiple Artists (complete or incomplete)." In a "Panes and details" view, you can include a "Search list" Category with this rule. You can add as many such search lists as you like to the pane to include or exclude files based on any criteria.


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Re: how to exclude artists who apear only in compilation
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2010, 09:40:40 am »

I understand form your reply that it is possible to exclude compilations from the 'album' view. Would it be possible to exclude artists who only apear in compilations from the 'artist' view? I've been using XBMC which has this function. I want to migrate to JRiver and was wondering whether this function is available?

Vincent Kars

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Re: how to exclude artists who apear only in compilation
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2010, 09:55:30 am »

The trick in case of samplers:
-   "Artist" contains the performer of the individual track
-   "Album Artist" must be the same e.g. Various Artists

In the view with "Album artist", you won't see the the individual artists of the samplers
If you make a view with "Artist", you have them all

Alex B

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Re: how to exclude artists who apear only in compilation
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2010, 10:04:40 am »

...was wondering whether this function is available?

I think it it is available and actually enabled by default.

The "Artist" instances in the default views are created from the values of the "Album Artist (auto)" field. Compilation albums with various artist names get the value (Multiple Artists) automatically unless some other album artist name is defined in the separate "Album Artist" field.

If all tracks in an album are from the same artist (i.e. there is only one artist value) this artist shows up in the "Album Artist (auto)" field and will be displayed.

In the file lists the Artist column shows the track artist, but it is possible to add the "Album Artist (auto)" and "Album Artist" columns to the list views. The separate "Album Artist" field can be used for overriding the "Album Artist (auto)" value when preferred.

If the internal album analyzer does not detect a "various artists" album automatically that can be fixed by tagging and/or organizing the files.
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Re: how to exclude artists who apear only in compilation
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2010, 02:53:03 am »

Thanks for your reply. I have a couple of compilations where the track artists are different and the album artist is set as Various Artists (I set it via Windows Explorer -> context menu -> 'id tag'. But then MC14 doesn’t recognise these settings and the Album type appears as Single Artist (incomplete) when i view the tracks' rag in MC14. The album artist field appears in a darker shade of gray and it can't be changed. I must be doing something wrong.... :-X how can I sort it out? Thanks in advance for your help.

Alex B

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Re: how to exclude artists who apear only in compilation
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2010, 06:09:42 am »

But then MC14 doesn’t recognise these settings and the Album type appears as Single Artist (incomplete) when i view the tracks' rag in MC14.

From the JRiver Wiki:

Complete Albums

Media Center can automatically display complete and incomplete albums. An album is considered complete if all the files with the same [Album] value in the same directory:
- are sequentially numbered tracks starting at 1
- have at least 2 files or 10 minutes of audio
- are Audio and have a non-empty [Album] value.

The album artist field appears in a darker shade of gray and it can't be changed. I must be doing something wrong.... :-X how can I sort it out? Thanks in advance for your help.

In Action Window > Tag the grey backgound indicates a field value that cannot be edited. That should not happen with the Album Artist field. Album Artist is an editable field and because it is one of the default fields you cannot even change its status by hand. Something is not right. Can you add the Album Artist column to a list view and edit the values there?

In general, if you have made tag changes outside MC you can refresh the database contents by using the "Upadate Library (from tags)" tool. Depending on your set options the Auto-Import tool may be able to do the same automatically, but that may take some time.
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