We always disagree on this
I dont think I am asking for either simplification or more complexity. I don't want you to add or remove any functionality. My point is that the current system is just inconvenient. I want to be able to make temporary changes on the fly that won't affect my whole view or require me to create a new view. That means; sorting, grouping, and list styles.
Think about how you use the "Tag" link on thumbnails currently, and how you use the preview pane on images. A link called "Details" on album thumbnails which would reveal the details list would be cool. And a toggle in the top view to switch between panes and tiles would be equally cool.
My idea about 3 panes was a spur in the moment thought (although I still like the idea of a details pane being linked to the album thumbnails pane. Scroll the album thubnails and the details pane scrolls to match it too.).
Equally it could just be the 2 panes, but with a toggle to switch panes/tiles on the top one, and album thumbnails/details on the bottom one. And "Sorting" menus on each pane.
I seriously think that MC13 was the peak of MC's view style usability (we were able to change top and bottom list styles on the fly) and we've been regressing since then. Since my library is now very organized, I don't notice it much any more, but it always comes back to haunt me when I import new files and want to change view styles to tag my files, or when I want to change the bottom list sorting between "recently imported", "recently played", and my other custom sorting presets.