So, i'm really stuck on this for a bit, so i hope someone here can enlighten me

I'm using MC to organize my movie collection but i'm using Gom Player for the video playpack (nothing's wrong with mc's video rendering engine, just a personal preference:P) So i went to Options -> File Types -> Playback Method to set the file associations so when i double click a movie file in mc, it will fire up gom player and play that file. My only problem so far, is that i'm trying to make use of the command line option "/fullscreen" that gom player has, so it can start the playback of the movie in full screen.
When i set up the playback method, the options i would get are something like that:
Playback Method: External program (custom)
Program: c:\path_to_gomplayer\GOM.exe
Arguments: "[Filename]"
But if i add the command line after the executable's path i get an error of windows being unable to find the program. If i place the command line in the "arguments" field, then it gets ignored.
How can i set it so mc honors the command line parameter?
ps: as always, please excuse my noob english