More > Media Center 14 (Development Ended)
Weird browser issue
Not yet updated to 15 but had an issue with 14. I recently reformatted and spent a few months tweaking my setup and every application I use on a regular basis. I am an advanced user, everything running very smoothly.
My issue related to MC: when using Firefox, occasionally when downloading an Executable file/binary (.exe), when prompting me to save or run, it says "Type: J River Media Center 14 Registration file") or something to that effect.
I've checked file handling settings in Firefox and also Windows file associations and have no idea what's causing this quirk. I want to suggest that it's something with the file name structure, as it seems to happen when a file has a few dots in the name, e.g. setup.1242.exe
Curiously enough, Internet Explorer seems unaffected. Again, I believe this is because I did the activation for my MC install through Firefox.
Any ideas?
Maybe you clicked the "always open..." button by accident when opening some exe file. You could check firefox tools->options->applications and see if there is anything interesting in there.
Check what you have set under MC options for File Types/Data/Executables.
I checked the File Types in J River and executables were not associated with default action as "automatic."
I went back into Firefox and found that there was a MediaCenter.14.Registration MIME type under file associations. Unfortunately, there is no way to delete this in Firefox's GUI, but I was able to Google a bit and found out that I could manually edit the mimeTypes.rdf file in my default Firefox profile to remove it completely. (Run: %APPDATA% in Vista to get to the Roaming folder...)
The offending segment:
--- Quote ---<RDF:Description RDF:about="urn:mimetype:application/x-msdos-program"
<NC:handlerProp RDF:resource="urn:mimetype:handler:application/x-msdos-program"/>
--- End quote ---
If anyone else does the same, don't save it in WordPad, it formats it (which is bad)... Preview in WordPad, but edit in NotePad... Save a backup just in case.
Downloading ANY executable now just prompts me for what to do, and it lists it as a Binary file (previously, some were MediaCenter.14.Registration files)
Thanks for the help -- add this to the bizarre fix list.
Very interesting. It does list the extension but the mimetype seems too general purpose. Thanks for finding this!
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