More > Media Center 13 (Development Ended)

Duplicates imported

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Alex B:
You can create a portable installation to an external hard drive (for example). It is an available option when you run the program installer. You must already have a registered MC intance installed before you can use a portable install option.

Marko asked about it because the portable install creates file paths that look like (Install Drive):\music\...

You know what?  I believe I did use the portable install way back when.  I need it because I move the external drive around.  How to prevent the dupes though?

Alex B:
The idea of the special (Install Drive) path is to make the file path to be correct even if the drive letter changes. It is supposed to always point to the drive in which the portable MC is installed.

I have very little experience of the portable installation, but maybe it does not always detect the install drive and thus creates a standard folder path. How did you import the files that point to J:? What do you have set in the Auto-Import options?

I always make sure the drive letter is called J no matter what computer I use.  There's a Windows system setting for that.  So I don't need the (install drive) option.  I import to the j:\music\new folder each time.


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