More > Media Center 13 (Development Ended)

mc13 splitting my imported compilation cd's


Hi, im banging my head against a wall over this, i have just imported 75 2 disk compilation cd's into mc13, it has split the cd's into individual folders each containing 1 song, the tags, album, artist etc, all look ok, i dont know why it is doing this, im using windows 7, also after installing windows 7 and saving my old playlists before i trashed vista, then re-loading them, with the music files in the same place as they were in my vista system, the playlists cant find the music files, you know this should all be much easier, i have a laptop with mc13, windows 7, and music files in the same location, but when i copy a playlist from my desktop to the laptop, they dont work. Time for a beer!!!!

Media Center doesn't move files unless you ask it to, so perhaps some other program is doing it?

Also, Media Center 13 pre-dates Windows 7.  We recommend v15 for Windows 7.


thanks for the reply, i loaded the files into wmp11 and it did the same thing, it must be a tagging issue, but looking at the files the tags look fine....


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