Upgrades free.......BUNK!!!! I purchased Version 6 liscense and within 2-3 weeks, version 7 was released. I questioned if I could download the new version and install my liscense that was still "hot" off the press. YES, UPGRADES ARE FREE!!!! was the answer. OK, now I've used the product for a long time and I am deep into converting my old vinyls and cassettes to MP3 and stored on CD-Rs. Now Version 8 comes along with bigger, better, faster, etc. and guess what?? Oh, by the way, that FREE UPGRADES we told you about, that was a Big fat lie..... Yes, I agree with the "you don't get a free car every year syndrome", but when you are told you will get upgrades, you should GET upgrades. This is another example of the big company getting their barbed hooks into the consumer and dragging them around. Obviously, I am not very pleased with the J. Rivers, Inc. organization at this time.