More > Media Center 15 (Development Ended)

Finding Where a Custom Field Is Used


MC is getting more and more clever when importing tags from music file tags. As of the last build I can get rid of one custom field that imported the Discnumber tag from my flac files and one calculated custom field that merged the custom Discnumber field with the stock field Disc #.

The problem is that I have a lot of calculated custom fields, sort presets, smartlists and panes and columns with expressions and it is difficult to find every expression with the two custom fields I want to delete. I tried having a look in a library backup but I could not figure out which files to look in.

Is there a way to find out where a custom field is used in expressions (including smartlists and presets)?

I realize this post is super old, but I have the same question.  Did you ever figure it out?


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