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Author Topic: customising a view to show recent albums by artist (not tracks!)  (Read 2637 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Hi there

Im trying to create a view of recent albums, viewed in thumbnails and sorted by Date Imported first, and then to view that by Artist.

The problem is, I seem to get a list of FILES that way, not ALBUMS.

I will tell you what I've done, and please tell me what I'm missing:

1/ added library view called Recent Artists 10 weeks
2/ RH mouse click on it and choose Customise View
3/ View as Categories, and Show Categories in this order : Date Imported, Artist, Album
4/ Set Rules For File Display: Date Imported in last 10 weeks, Media type is audio, Complete album is True.

What is wrong?



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Re: customising a view to show recent albums by artist (not tracks!)
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2010, 05:47:06 am »

3/ View as Categories, and Show Categories in this order : Date Imported, Artist, Album
i think i would do it as follow:
use an expression for date imported, date imported has also the time and i guess you dont want that.
Code: [Select]
formatdate([date imported,0],dd-MM-yyyy)then use [album artist (auto)] so that multiple artist albums stay together.

then you could leave album away from the category list, but when the file list opens click on the triangle besides 'all files' and choose list style> album thumbnail.

is that what you are after?



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: customising a view to show recent albums by artist (not tracks!)
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2010, 05:51:55 am »

Hi Gab,

Im afraid thats way over my head... I dont know how to add expressions.

I would have thought with all the complex views and filters and stuff one can do using the menu system, doing something relatively simple like viewing your most recent albums in order would be extremely easy and that I was just missing something basic...

Isnt there a way to do it without being able to understand and use expressions?

Thanks again,



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Re: customising a view to show recent albums by artist (not tracks!)
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2010, 06:00:25 am »

yes there is.  :)
but maybe you should start simple then and try to make it more complex as you go. start with [album artis (auto)] as a category only. and set the file list to album thumbnail.
you came already far though. dont get impressed with all that expression talk. its simpler then you think.  8)
where you added the categories, click on data imported, but choose expression at the right side, and copy and past the code from my previous post in expression.
there is also a way to share views in mc.. havent tried that in a while. let me see if i can make something up.



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Re: customising a view to show recent albums by artist (not tracks!)
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2010, 06:11:36 am »

when you go to your library files there is a folder there called saved views. open the zip file and put the added jvi file to that folder. now add a new view, you might find something called freds view in the list you can choose from.


ps.. not sure if it works as it should.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: customising a view to show recent albums by artist (not tracks!)
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2010, 06:18:16 am »

Niiiice Gab!   ;D

I love having the artist, album and year in view, very cool... (why is that soo difficult for a brainy guy like me to understand?)

One thing I will try to fix/do with your fred's view is to put that great thumbnail view on top and then have the track list of the currently selected album in the pane below.

This software is amazing but it is pretty convoluted and extremely hard to understand  :(



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Re: customising a view to show recent albums by artist (not tracks!)
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2010, 06:28:52 am »

great you like it. when you go wrong with changing the view, just say where. remember that you can set the sorting different for every can play with this. when you go wrong, make a new view and choose the saved view again. that one stays as it is (and when you want to get rid of it, just delete it from the saved views folder).


Alex B

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Re: customising a view to show recent albums by artist (not tracks!)
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2010, 06:37:16 am »

I posted comprehensive instructions for creating an
"album thumbnails & file list - albums sorted by date imported"
view when MC12 was the current version:

The customizing options have changed places a bit since then, but the same is possible now.


I attached a screenshot of the same view in MC15 (since I took the old screenshots I have added the year value to the thumbnail text).

Log in to the forum if you can't see the attachment.
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: customising a view to show recent albums by artist (not tracks!)
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2010, 06:40:40 am »

Thanks again Gab, Alex, I will go look there, thanks.

Usually playing with software, I can figure out how to do things, but this software is very confusing as there seem to be many things named similarly, like "view"

which could mean

the way the whole interface looks (skin)
the way info is displayed, theatre vs standard vs mini view etc
the way the interface is layed out with panels etc
the way each panel looks/is sorted etc

so when you choose to customise view, you seem to be able to choose the order info is sorted, but then you can do that, separately in each panel using the pull down menu.

In the "fred view" gab made, I cant seem to move the nice thumbnails gab made up to the top panel and have tracklist below. The biggest problem is fiddling for hours does not take me closer to understanding the larger concept of HOW and WHAT each thing does.

perhaps its the naming conventions, giving things very different names IMO would make all this easier to use/understand... important because newbies like myself are far more likely to spread the word enthusiastically if the user experience is a pleasant one. By and large it is, but I am finding things like this frustratingly confusing.

I will report back  ;)

Alex B

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Re: customising a view to show recent albums by artist (not tracks!)
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2010, 06:48:42 am »

The "View" branches in the tree used to be called "View Schemes". I don't know why that was changed. IMHO, the old name was less confusing.
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:


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Re: customising a view to show recent albums by artist (not tracks!)
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2010, 06:49:07 am »

In the "fred view" gab made, I cant seem to move the nice thumbnails gab made up to the top panel and have tracklist below. The biggest problem is fiddling for hours does not take me closer to understanding the larger concept of HOW and WHAT each thing does.
add album as a categorie. now when you see the album thumbnail at the top, click on the small triangle choose thumbnails>thumbnail text
you can add there for instance [album artist (auto)] and [year].
you can set that different for every categorie too..



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: customising a view to show recent albums by artist (not tracks!)
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2010, 07:02:06 am »


I think I have made it guys!

thumbnails of albums imported in the last 10 weeks, listed by date, and with artist name, album title and year at the top panel and below that the track list...


thanks both.
boy, perhaps I will dig out some tutorials on this layout-interface-display thing to see if I can really understand it. My success here is due to you guys telling me what to do, it was a bit trial and error and Id like to really GET the concepts.

Cheers though,  and
Mark. :)


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Re: customising a view to show recent albums by artist (not tracks!)
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2010, 11:30:42 am »

Very useful thread.  Thank you all!
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