More > Media Center 13 (Development Ended)
Showing albums as thumbnails instead of "list"
I have a category called "Artist" where it shows each individual Artist once. I can see the individual albums "fanned" beneath it. When I double-click on the artist, I want it to expand to show the albums horizontally (new screen?) in the same format. Instead, it shows this vertical list at the bottom of the screen with song list. I don't want that. How do get it to show it differently? I wish I could attach a picture of this.
Alex B:
It works for me in MC15 (and worked already in MC13). You may need to set the view scheme categories as:
Album Artist (auto)
I attached two screenshots.
See also my recent reply and more screenshots here:
Log in to the forum if you can't see the attachments.
That was it. Thanks a lot.
Well, that one works, but in another case I want the same thing but it's not working. I'm doing something wrong, but not sure what. I want to show the Artist (fanned) and when I double-click I want to show the individual albums for the artist with the album name. But it's showing the artist name again listed under each album. Not sure why, must be something simple. I'll try to post a pic when I figure out how.
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