More > Media Center 13 (Development Ended)

MC13 Plays 2 Files but Will Not Import Them (Resolved)


Windows Vista displays the filenames correctly but MC13 will not import them and their names do not appear in the file list. If I select Drives and Devices and navigate to the folder where these two MP3 files live, their names appear along with the other filenames in that folder.

I can play these two files with MC13 and various other MP3 players.

When I set up MP3 to manually import the files in the folder where these two files live, MC13 reports no new files added.  ?

What am I missing?  Suggestions?

Not sure if one could call this problem "resolved" but I did find a workaround:

1. Quit MC.
2. MOVE the files that won't import from their original folder to a different folder.
3. Start MC.
4. Using Drives and Devices, navigate to that different folder.
5. Select the two files in question and using the Rename, Move, and Copy Files routine in the Library Tools menu, move the files back to their original folder.
6. Use the Import Folder tool to import the files into the file list.


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