More > Media Center 13 (Development Ended)
MC license problem
Over the last 14 months MC 13 has told me on several occasions that my 30-day trial has expired. I purchased MC on October 30, 2008. I am able to restore the license on-line by entering my reg code.
Question 1: Why does MC 13 periodically tell me that my 30-day trial has expired?
Question 2: I cannot find any .mjr file so that I can restore MC offline. I've searched c: but no cigar. Where does it live?
Thanks for your help!
Is your system name changing?
Is your system date correct?
Please read the "Purchase" link above. You can ask our system to e-mail you your Registration Code.
--- Quote from: JimH on November 14, 2010, 07:30:48 am ---Is your system name changing?
--- End quote ---
Whoa! That's it. That explains the last occurence. I changed my computer name. Thanks for your help! The other times were probably something else I did and forgot about.
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