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Analyzing Audio Questions


Sometimes I get a message that says x number of files could not be added. How can I find out which files they are?

Sometimes a file status is "Queued" but when I click Analyze, nothing happens. This usually happens when only 1 file is queued. What is happening here?

Sometimes I am told that "Only audio files on a local drive that can be played in the native playback engine can be analyzed." How can I find out which files they are?

Thank you for your help.

Just so you know you're not being ignored, I've read your questions, but unfortunately, don't know the answers.

I've seen the second "sometimes" a long time ago, in cases where analyses had decided one of the values should be zero. This single zero value was causing the file to be repeatedly marked as requiring analysis. Is this what you are seeing, or are all values returned as zero?



--- Quote from: marko on December 03, 2010, 04:38:46 am ---Just so you know you're not being ignored, I've read your questions, but unfortunately, don't know the answers.

--- End quote ---

I appreciate it though.

Not sure what's happening either, but at least it's not a show-stopper.


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