I would go for two separate lists, one for folder path and another for file names.. or, create a panes based viewscheme that includes all audio, and make the first pane a 'search list' that contains the two separate searches. You could join the two expressions together, but again, I'm short on testing time and am more sure the two below will work independently than I am that they will continue to work if cojoined.
[=isequal([filename (path)],H:\Sorted Music\[Genre]\if(isequal([Album Artist (Auto)],multiple,8),Assorted,[Album Artist (Auto)])\[Album]\,1)]=0
File names
[=isequal([filename (name)],padnumber([Track #],2) - [Name] - [Artist] - [Album].[file type],1)]=0
Try those for size for now. They will (should) return the mismatches, but there is one snag that I haven't accounted for, and unfortunately, do not have the time right now, and that is that these rules will return files where the tags contain illegal windows filename characters as wrong, when in fact, they could well be correct.
This is because the illegal characters are replace with underscores in the physical file path. Think things such as colons and question marks...
These can be worked around, but make the expression a tad more complex... too complex to just write off-the-cuff. I'll try to find the time to help you with those, but it could take a day or two as things are crazy busy round here atm.
If you want, you could take such files out of the picture altogether for now by adding a rule such as -[file name]=_
Hope that's enough to get you started at least,