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Author Topic: Another Method to Sync Non-MP3's to iPhones  (Read 3299 times)


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Another Method to Sync Non-MP3's to iPhones
« on: September 05, 2010, 02:17:33 am »

MC has a "File --> Export to iTunes & iPhone" that will let you export as a playlist any selected tracks to iTunes, but it only works if the tracks are MP3.  The issue is that many of us have non-MP3 here is "Another Method to Sync Non-MP3's to iPhones" pulled together from other threads.

Non of this is as good as what we used to have "in the good old days with direct syncing" and is not as feature rich as the Prod's MCiS ( but it gets you tracks onto the iPhone.

Preparation: We are going to use the "Stacks" feature of MC to create, store and track an MP3 version of all of your Non-MP3 files...(sorry this will take some time and additional disc space in line with the size of your non MP3 Library).  The great thing about using Stacks is you just manage your library as normal eg if you change a Tag then all the versions in the Stack are updated (eg both the original and the MP3 versions).
1. Create a Handheld:  Under "Tools --> Options --> Handheld --> ...Add device"... Give it any name you like (I used HandHeld Target) and a path to a dummy directory (say c:\temp)...We are never going to actually Sync Anything to this, we just need to setup the preferences to get access to the configuration for the Stack Feature as shown.  Note: the bit in the Red Boxs, I prefer NOT to keep the Stack Location in the same folder but in a separate directory so I can simply delete them if I need to (We are never going to actually Sync Anything to this).  Save your settings.

2. Create a MP3 Cache:  In StdView select the view that shows the tracks you want to create a MP3 Stack for (I choose my entire library), then go back into "Tools --> Options --> Handheld --> Conversion --> Conversion Cache --> ... Build cache for selected handheld" for the Handheld profile we just made.  Here is the sloooow bit, it took MC about 15seconds per track to create the MP3 Stack Version.  So if you have a big library it will take many hours or days.  Subsequent builds will be faster as MC will only create any of the Missing MP3 from new tracks you have added

3. Create a MP3 View Scheme:  The next bit to setup is a View Scheme where you can see all your MP3 tracks (both any you already had + the ones from the stack).  In this example you can see I have copied the std "Album Artist (auto)/Album" View Scheme and modified it to show all the MP3 Versions (even in the stack)

Exporting to iTunes & iPhone:  You can now select the songs you want from the "iTunes Sync" view and use the "File --> Export to iTunes & iPhone".  I used the exptort to iTunes and then sync "All Music" to the iPhone from there.  Each Export will add more tracks to iTunes and you can delete stuff from iTunes that you no longer want to by sycned

Limitations & Suggestions:  

Big Three Suggestions that would completely remove the manual "Preparation" stuff & to get the "File --> Export to iTunes & iPhone" working well:
- Stacks: It would make sense if MC create the MP3 stack version as a part of the "export to iTunes & iPhone" instead of having to do this before hand for the entire library.  
- Views Scheme: Instead of needing a custom view to see the MP3 Stack Versions, it would be great if MC just grabbed the MP3 version from the stack from any view scheme
- Library Server:  You can not use Library Server (have to be connected to a Library). We already have an option "Play local file if one that matches Library Server file is found" so it would be great to use a similar feature for us LS users

Other Stacks enhancements that would be welcome:
- Stacks: It would be great to be able to create a stack without having to create a Handheld First
- Stacks: It would be good to create a profile so that stack versions were created automatically when new tracks are added to the Library
- Stacks: It would be good if Multithreaded conversions were used (I think only one at a time is being done even though I selected "Simultaneous Conversions: 4")

JRiver CEO Elect


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Re: Another Method to Sync Non-MP3's to iPhones
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2010, 03:12:06 am »

I've followed the steps outlined here, but something is failing along the way.  When I click "Build cache for selected ...", a "Building Cache" message pops-up (lower left) and it says Completed.  This happens within a second no matter how many playlists I configure as part of the device.  Also, when I right-click on my entire library to expand the stack, "Expand Stacks" is never enabled.  Finally, my cache folder is always empty.  Seems like MC isn't even attempting to build the cache.

I'm running build 15.0.95.  Any ideas?


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Re: Another Method to Sync Non-MP3's to iPhones
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2010, 04:37:38 pm »

Sorry - I'm away with work and I have seen this and while I'm not in front of the PC try a couple of things to get the HH Setup to recognize what you what to build (try in order)
1) in HH Setup there is a pane on the right were you can select what you want to sync - try ticking all Audio then build the HH Cache
2) if not... try selecting the songs you want (eg all), right click, send to HH (but don't press the sync button).  Now try to build the HH Cache.

Let me know how you go and I can have a proper look on the W'End

JRiver CEO Elect


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Re: Another Method to Sync Non-MP3's to iPhones
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2010, 05:59:43 pm »

Neither one of those had any effect.  I turned on logging (General/Handheld) and it looks like StackBuilder gets called, but it is insanely quick and doesn't indicate that is actually doing any work.

Media Center; Version: 15.0.95; Types: 545
0023182: 680: General: JROptionsPageInfo::GetDialog: Start
0023197: 680: General: JROptionsPageInfo::GetDialog: Options page: Handheld
0023197: 680: General: JROptionsPageInfo::GetDialog: Creating options page object
0023197: 680: General: JROptionsPageInfo::GetDialog: Creating window
0023213: 680: General: JROptionsPageInfo::GetDialog: Updating window
0023213: 680: General: JROptionsPageInfo::GetDialog: Subclassing window
0023213: 680: General: JROptionsPageInfo::GetDialog: Finish (31 ms)
0024414: 680: General: CMCResourceHelper::GetIsModalPopupShowing: Main window disabled
0025241: 680: General: CMCResourceHelper::GetIsModalPopupShowing: Main window disabled
0026458: 680: General: CMCResourceHelper::GetIsModalPopupShowing: Main window disabled
0026473: 680: General: CMainUIWnd::Resize: Start
0026473: 680: General: CMainUIWnd::Resize: Finish (0 ms)
0026489: 8432: Handheld: CHHCacheStackBuilder::Thread: Start
0026676: 8432: Handheld: CHHCacheStackBuilder::Thread: Finish (187 ms)

0028096: 680: General: CMCResourceHelper::GetIsModalPopupShowing: Main window disabled
0028096: 680: General: JROptionsPageInfo::OnClose: Start
0028096: 680: General: JROptionsPageInfo::OnClose: Command: 1
0028111: 680: Handheld: CHHManager::UpdatePluginDeviceInfo: Start
0028111: 680: Handheld: CHHPluginThread::ProcessCommand: Start
0028111: 8576: Handheld: CHHPluginThread::Thread Message Processing: Start
0028111: 8576: Handheld: CHHPluginThread::Thread Message Processing: Type: 0, Function: 2
0028111: 8576: Handheld: CHHPluginThread::Thread Message Processing: Command = 1030
0028111: 8576: Handheld: CHHPluginThread::Thread Message Processing: Finish (0 ms)
0028158: 680: Handheld: CHHPluginThread::ProcessCommand: Finish (47 ms)
0028158: 680: Handheld: CHHManager::UpdatePluginDeviceInfo: Finish (47 ms)
0028158: 680: Handheld: CHHUploadHelper::Add: Start
0028158: 680: Handheld: CHHManager::GetFilesFromDevice: Start
0028158: 680: Handheld: CHHManager::GetFilesFromDevice: Finish (0 ms)
0028158: 680: Handheld: CHHUploadHelper::Add: Adding manual files
0028174: 680: Handheld: CHHUploadHelper::Add: Adding manual playlists
0028174: 680: Handheld: CHHUploadHelper::Add: Adding sync setting files and playlists
0028174: 680: Handheld: CHHUploadHelper::Add: Merging results
0028174: 680: Handheld: CHHUploadHelper::Add: Removing manually deleted files
0028174: 680: Handheld: CHHUploadHelper::Add: Checking for playlist changes
0028174: 680: Handheld: CHHUploadHelper::SetTransferFiles: Start
0028174: 680: Handheld: CHHUploadHelper::SetTransferFiles: Cropping duplicates
0028174: 680: Handheld: CHHUploadHelper::SetTransferFiles: Building key map
0028189: 680: Handheld: CHHUploadHelper::SetTransferFiles: Getting device files
0028189: 680: Handheld: CHHManager::GetFilesFromDevice: Start
0028189: 680: Handheld: CHHManager::GetFilesFromDevice: Finish (0 ms)
0028189: 680: Handheld: CHHUploadHelper::SetTransferFiles: Creating delete array
0028189: 680: Handheld: CHHUploadHelper::CreateDeleteArray: Start
0028189: 680: Handheld: CHHManager::GetConversionEncoderPlugin: Start
0028205: 680: Handheld: CHHManager::GetConversionEncoderPlugin: Creating encoder plugin: 'MP3 Encoder'(Handheld\{00818C20-2933-42C4-8823-BCE8BE8A0DE3})...
0028252: 680: Handheld: CHHManager::GetConversionEncoderPlugin: Finish (63 ms)
0028252: 680: Handheld: CHHUploadHelper::CreateDeleteArray: Finish (63 ms)
0028252: 680: Handheld: CHHUploadHelper::SetTransferFiles: Analyzing sizes
0028267: 680: Handheld: CHHUploadHelper::AnalyzeSizes: Start
0028267: 680: Handheld: CHHManager::GetConversionEncoderPlugin: Start
0028267: 680: Handheld: CHHManager::GetConversionEncoderPlugin: Creating encoder plugin: 'MP3 Encoder'(Handheld\{00818C20-2933-42C4-8823-BCE8BE8A0DE3})...
0028267: 680: Handheld: CHHManager::GetConversionEncoderPlugin: Finish (0 ms)
0028267: 680: Handheld: CHHUploadHelper::AnalyzeSizes: Finish (0 ms)
0028267: 680: Handheld: CHHUploadHelper::SetTransferFiles: Storing
0028267: 680: Handheld: CHHUploadHelper::SetTransferFiles: Submitting for status checking
0028267: 680: Handheld: CHHUploadHelper::SetTransferFiles: Memory: TotalTransferSize=348342310, AvailableAfterUploadBytes=244424374234
0028283: 680: Handheld: CHHUploadHelper::SetTransferFiles: Finish (109 ms)
0028299: 680: Handheld: CHHUploadHelper::Add: Finish (141 ms)
0028299: 680: General: JROptionsPageInfo::OnClose: Ending modal loop
0028299: 680: General: JROptionsPageInfo::OnClose: Finish (203 ms)
0028314: 680: General: CMCHandheldViewInfo::GetFiles: Start
0028314: 680: Handheld: CHHManager::GetFilesFromDevice: Start
0028314: 680: Handheld: CHHManager::GetFilesFromDevice: Finish (0 ms)
0028314: 680: General: CMCHandheldViewInfo::GetFiles: Finish (0 ms)
0028314: 680: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Start
0028330: 680: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Finish (16 ms)
0028330: 680: General: CMJFileListCtrl::StartFileInsertion: Start
0028330: 680: General: CMJFileListCtrl::StartFileInsertion: Finish (0 ms)
0028330: 680: General: CMJFileListCtrl::FinishFileInsertion: Start
0028345: 680: General: CMJFileListCtrl::FinishFileInsertion: Finish (15 ms)
0028408: 680: General: CHandheldViewHeaderWnd::InternalUpdateUI: Start
0028423: 680: General: CHandheldViewHeaderWnd::InternalUpdateUI: Finish (15 ms)
0028501: 680: Handheld: CMCHandheldViewInfo::~CMCHandheldViewInfo: Start
0028517: 680: Handheld: CMCHandheldViewInfo::~CMCHandheldViewInfo: Finish (16 ms)
0028517: 680: Handheld: CMCHandheldViewInfo::~CMCHandheldViewInfo: Start
0028517: 680: Handheld: CMCHandheldViewInfo::~CMCHandheldViewInfo: Finish (0 ms)
0028548: 680: Handheld: CHHManager::GetTreeItems: Start
0028548: 680: Handheld: CHHPluginThread::GetTreeItem: Start
0028548: 8576: Handheld: CHHPluginThread::Thread Message Processing: Start
0028548: 8576: Handheld: CHHPluginThread::Thread Message Processing: Type: 0, Function: 6
0028548: 8576: Handheld: CHHPluginThread::Thread Message Processing: Finish (0 ms)
0028595: 680: Handheld: CHHPluginThread::GetTreeItem: Finish (47 ms)
0028595: 680: Handheld: CHHManager::GetTreeItems: Finish (47 ms)
0028611: 680: General: CMCHandheldViewInfo::GetFiles: Start
0028611: 680: Handheld: CHHManager::GetFilesFromDevice: Start
0028611: 680: Handheld: CHHManager::GetFilesFromDevice: Finish (0 ms)
0028611: 680: General: CMCHandheldViewInfo::GetFiles: Finish (0 ms)
0028611: 680: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Start
0028626: 680: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Finish (15 ms)
0028626: 680: General: CMJFileListCtrl::StartFileInsertion: Start
0028642: 680: General: CMJFileListCtrl::StartFileInsertion: Finish (16 ms)
0028642: 680: General: CMJFileListCtrl::FinishFileInsertion: Start
0028642: 680: General: CMJFileListCtrl::FinishFileInsertion: Finish (0 ms)
0028735: 680: General: CHandheldViewHeaderWnd::InternalUpdateUI: Start
0028751: 680: General: CHandheldViewHeaderWnd::InternalUpdateUI: Finish (16 ms)
0029547: 680: General: CMCResourceHelper::GetIsModalPopupShowing: Menu showing
0030873: 680: General: CMCResourceHelper::GetIsModalPopupShowing: Menu showing
0032245: 680: General: CMCResourceHelper::GetIsModalPopupShowing: Main window disabled


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Re: Another Method to Sync Non-MP3's to iPhones
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2010, 03:15:45 pm »

I'm so sorry - my fault in the directions - have a look in the setup for HandHeld Target (updated in Post 1) - I forgot to outline that you need to ensure that "Supported Types" = "mp3", yours probably says "*" so MC thinks everthing is compatible and hence does not need to build a stack version.  By changing "Supported Types" to just "mp3", MC will build a stack for all types except for your existing MP3's.

See if that works!

JRiver CEO Elect


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Another Method to Sync Non-MP3's to iPhones
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2010, 04:36:22 pm »

Yes, that did it.  Thank you for your help.  Now I feel stupid. I should have figured that out.  The cache is now building and I see Mp3s being created.  The only issue I see is that it is starting from the first Artist in my library.  I have unchecked "All Audio" and only checked 1 playlist, but it looks like it will build a cache for my entire collection.

I assume it should be scoped to just the playlist checked?



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Re: Another Method to Sync Non-MP3's to iPhones
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2010, 04:50:34 pm »

I converted my entire library so I don't know the default behaviour of JR of what it will and will not convert & stack or how to select just a bit to stack.  You could just stop the sync, delete the stack files from the the disc or via the special MP3 view and try other combos as at 4 conversions per minute (on my system) it can take a loooong time on a library!
JRiver CEO Elect


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Re: Another Method to Sync Non-MP3's to iPhones
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2010, 09:47:14 pm »

Does this method still work with the latest versions? I tried with v15.0.159 and could not see the "Conversion Cache" option (i.e. "Tools --> Options --> Handheld --> Conversion --> Conversion Cache")



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Re: Another Method to Sync Non-MP3's to iPhones
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2010, 10:16:15 pm »

Nope....The JR folk have been working on the Cache and (for some reason) have "temporarily" removed the "build cache" option....  You can still build the cache but you have to actually sycn to the HandHeld target.
JRiver CEO Elect
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