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Author Topic: Wireless remote extenders  (Read 926 times)


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Wireless remote extenders
« on: December 27, 2010, 12:51:37 pm »

Just a note to those still wrestling with MC remote issues.
I found an ideal solution for my situation. Since the HP laptop on which my MC is operating is situated in such a way as to make using the HP remote which came with it spotty at best, I remembered that I had a set of older cheapo wireless remote extenders from Radio Shack (shaped like little pyramids) that I had purchased some years ago.
With my laptop video output connected via HDMI to the tv in my listening room (yes, I hear the groans of disapproval from all the hard-core 'stereophiles' out there) and the remote extenders situated in appropriate positions, I can use my wireless mouse through the extenders to control all laptop and MC functions from my listening seat, using the tv as a giant HD monitor, which even an old blind fart like me can see from across the room.
I know this won't work for everyone, but those with situations and equipment similar to mine may find this useful. No muss, no fuss, and no wires. Works beautifully.
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