I realize this is way off topic, but I thought I might get some help, or maybe a pointer in the correct direction. I know enough about networking to be dangerous, but not alot! I have AT&T broadband connection to the internet through a Linksys wireless router. My desktop connects via ethernet, and my work laptop connects via a wireless nic card. All works great! Problem is, I can not update my virus definition files through my router. When I go directly through the cable modem it is fine, but as soon as I put the router in place, it stops the download. When I called Linksys, they told me to open up whatever port the norton files are supposed to be coming across, and I should be fine. Three problems. First, keeping in mind what I said about my knowledge of networking, is that I don't beleive them. If I am asking for something from the internet, it should come back to me? Second, if I end up having to open up the port, how do I protect my network from intruders over that port? Third, I also don't buy there response that I should disconnect my computer from the router and hook it to the cable modem every time I want to update my virus definitions. With the amount of virus' out there today, I like to update every few days on a schedule, and there last suggestion does not help that situation.
I do not have any firewall software running as of yet, as the setup is only a couple of weeks old, and I am still researching that. Any thoughts on the above would be most greatly appreciated.
Listening to
1 Cruel Crazy Beautiful World Johnny Clegg & Savuka Cruel, Crazy, Beautiful World 4:26 General Rock 0 4.064MB 128 2 98944932