I just posted another thread about Amazon's already publicly released Cloud Drive. I don't know for a fact that it's available outside the US, but my enthusiasm for it is based on tracks and albums I purchase automatically going my cloud drive.
Yes, I could access my tracks from MC, assuming my home hardware was behaving properly whenever I want. But it's a heck of a lot easier to buy tracks on my phone, have instant access to them. and then later be able to download the tracks at home for my local library.
I expect more and more of everyone's storage (and applications, to a degree) to be cloud-based in the coming years for many of the same reasons businesses are flocking to it. I am permanently locked to my image mgmt software because it allows a direct link to my SmugMug photo account that I can't live without. I'd like the same to be true for MC (I'm already loyal to MC, just want to add this reason)