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Author Topic: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters  (Read 52118 times)


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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #100 on: April 26, 2011, 06:19:57 am »

Nice work! How is the playback of Bluray now? It's stable or not? I heard some people mentioning some issues earlier.

100% Stable.  Just watched another Blu-ray in MC with LAV Filters + madVR + J Rivers VideoClock/Audio Renderer and the playback was perfect (well madVR said I droped 1 frame at some point but I never saw it).  The core support is all in place, it is now more about getting the various options in place with the player (MC) and title selection (LAV).
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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #101 on: April 26, 2011, 06:21:46 am »

My current plan looks somewhat like this:

First Step: Filter the titles on the disc, using those two criteria (one has to match, not both)
 - Duration > X (configurable, something like 20-30 minutes default)
 - Has Chapters (I figure, all those bogus titles don't typically have chapters)
Additionally, titles with duplicate clips or repeating clips will be filtered out (this means menus, etc)

Then the titles would be sorted.
I'm still undecided on how to sort - by duration is the most straight forward, but maybe by index on the disc is more useful, because the "normal" movie is typically a lower index then the "maximum movie mode" version with in-movie commentary (which is longer)

Sounds good - I'd suggest getting it out in the wild and seeing what the response is from users.  We will soon now what works or not as people test various discs.
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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #102 on: April 26, 2011, 06:28:32 am »

Hi Nathan, I don't seen the TMT audio decoder listed in your screen shot. Don't we still need this for DTS-HD audio decoding?

Yup (if you want full bitrate and depth as LAVAudio/FFDSHOW will only decode the core).  So what I do in LAVAudio is uncheck DTS support (and also with FFDSHOW if you have it installed).  Directshow then loads the TMT AudioHD decoder for DTS as it is the only filter that is registered for this.  If you add the TMT AudioHD Decoder as well as the LAVAudio filter in MC it will load BOTH filters in the chain (TMT gets loaded post LAVAudio so you still only get the core).

Anyway - for me LAVAudio is used for all video playback excpet DTS where the TMT filter is loaded.
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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #103 on: April 26, 2011, 02:20:11 pm »

I've read some comments that indicate that one has to have AnyDVD HD installed to gain any access/usability/decryption of Blu-Ray discs.  Is that accurate still, or has this "requirement" been removed/eliminated now?

What about using the streaming option of MakeMKV to decrypt?  does this work, and if so, how?

Mainly, can I just stick a disc in the drive, and get MC to play it directly yet?

I'm guessing not, but want to be sure.  I'm at work and can't test now, so i figured I'd throw it out there before I get home and test myself.

thanks again to jmone for pushing this along, and to everyone that has been very helpful in helping facilitate this.

It's getting close to a "just works" solution now :)
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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #104 on: April 26, 2011, 02:38:40 pm »

You need AnyDVD HD, or any other application that'll give you the unencrypted Blu-ray.
No idea how that MakeMKV thing works.

But if you have AnyDVD HD installed, you can basically just put a disc in, and hope for the best.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #105 on: April 26, 2011, 03:25:59 pm »

Mainly, can I just stick a disc in the drive, and get MC to play it directly yet?
You still need the correct codecs installed, but if you do it works great. I have played 4 or 5 Blu-rays in the past few days by just inserting them into the drive and playing using Theater View.


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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #106 on: April 26, 2011, 03:28:32 pm »

You need AnyDVD HD, or any other application that'll give you the unencrypted Blu-ray.

I figured as much; thanks for the quick response!

Also, THANK YOU for all your work on the LAV splitter, it's made my video playback life MUCH easier that it's ever been!

I'm really looking forward to seeing you continue to improve your splitter, it's come a long way in a short time; excellent work!!

thanks again.

RE: makeMKV streaming of decrypted blu-ray discs - it seems that it will send the decrypted file/stream to an IP address (IIRC), then I need to hit that address to get the stream.  I messed with this once, had no luck, and never bothered again.

I know (think?) MC can stream from an IP address, but I'm not sure the details.  I wonder if anyone has any experience with this, and can give some pointers.  I won't have time to mess with it tonight (unless one of you comes over and installs the hardibacker board in my shower for me :)), but will hopefully have some time to try again very soon.

Here is an FAQ on streaming to an NMT based devise (not sure what that is really), but it seems it might be useful for direct playback in MC, maybe not??

How do I stream to NMT-based devices?

MakeMKV supports web-based streaming and UPnP streaming. For NMT-based devices MakeMKV uses Syabas myiBox protocol extensions for web streaming. Because most NMT devices are also UPnP clients you will see MakeMKV media server as two items. Be sure to select "myiBox" item and not UPnP item, since most video formats are not supported in NMT UPnP client. If for some reason MakeMKV server is not discoverd by your device, try navigating to http://addressofpc:51000/s.html from your device.

This operation is also available from command-line with makemkvcon stream command.
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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #107 on: April 26, 2011, 03:30:00 pm »

You still need the correct codecs installed, but if you do it works great. I have played 4 or 5 Blu-rays in the past few days by just inserting them into the drive and playing using Theater View.

Are you saying you can do this WITHOUT AnyDVD HD installed on your machine?
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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #108 on: April 26, 2011, 03:47:45 pm »

Are you saying you can do this WITHOUT AnyDVD HD installed on your machine?
I'm sorry, but I can't publicly admit to having AnyDVD HD installed on my machines.  ;)  ;D


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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #109 on: April 26, 2011, 04:03:45 pm »

understood, thanks for clarifying :)
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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #110 on: April 27, 2011, 05:33:04 am »

FYI - I have started to update the Everything about Blu-ray / HD-DVD playback in MC thread at (will take a couple of days as I'm travelling)
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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #111 on: April 28, 2011, 08:34:07 pm »

I have a question to the people who know more about MC16.  I've run into an issue with subtitles from Blu-rays.  Now, yes, I get that we can just use ffdshow for subtitles.  However, that solution is presenting a problem for me.  (haha, see what I did there?  Yea, ok)  Does anyone know if it's possible to use MPC's filters just for subtitle rendering in MC16?  I need to use a specific video decoder for decoding the video, but, my question is if we can somehow make the MPC subtitle code work in this configuration?  Thanks for any assistance with this!


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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #112 on: April 29, 2011, 05:49:16 am »

I have a question to the people who know more about MC16.  I've run into an issue with subtitles from Blu-rays.  Now, yes, I get that we can just use ffdshow for subtitles.  However, that solution is presenting a problem for me.  (haha, see what I did there?  Yea, ok)  Does anyone know if it's possible to use MPC's filters just for subtitle rendering in MC16?  I need to use a specific video decoder for decoding the video, but, my question is if we can somehow make the MPC subtitle code work in this configuration?  Thanks for any assistance with this!

For the info of others, at present there is a bug in getting just "Forced Subs" to consistently be displayed using FFDSHOW, the good news is nevcairiel is on the case looking at various solutions both with his splitter and also potential mods to the DirectVobSub as another option.
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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #113 on: April 29, 2011, 08:17:03 am »

For the info of others, at present there is a bug in getting just "Forced Subs" to consistently be displayed using FFDSHOW, the good news is nevcairiel is on the case looking at various solutions both with his splitter and also potential mods to the DirectVobSub as another option.

Yea, I really hope this can get sorted out cause we're SO close to having an amazing solution with MC16/LAVF Splitter/ffdshow audio/madVR for playback of all media types.  I have it working really well on my HTPC. 


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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #114 on: April 30, 2011, 06:42:26 am »

1) Adding BDMV and MPLS as a file type - Done in 16.0.75 and works well, no need to manually edit the associates.xml file
2) Adding a Blu-ray config option like with DVD - Done in 16.0.75 and works well to config the splitters you want
3) Adding a TheaterView "Menu" option (eg the MS "Menu" button that lets you select via your RC the various streams (audio, subs and in conjunction with Nev titles)
4) Registering MC as an Autoplayback option in Windows for Blu-ray
5) Like with DVD's the ability to tag and manage a blu-ray structure / ISO on the HDD with Coverart art etc Couple of minor bugs but MC already lets you do this
6) Change the TheaterView "DVD" button to "DVD / Blu-ray" Done in 16.0.77
7) Auto Display change - I posted some thoughts on this here -

Nice progress, Matt how about Item #4 - it can be done manually but it makes sence to let the user now select MC to play a Blu-ray disc as an option in windows Autoplay

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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #115 on: April 30, 2011, 06:44:01 am »

I really like the sound of this feature. Seems like a lot of really nice changes has been implemented in v16 concerning video-playback, please keep up the good work


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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #116 on: April 30, 2011, 10:23:52 am »

To report back on the sub issue, Nevcairiel has fixed the subs with ffdshow in an updated LAVF Splitter.  So, basically, now everything just works.  Truly an amazing setup and one that I plan on using full time now.


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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #117 on: April 30, 2011, 09:05:15 pm »

Edit:  By the way, I added an easy way to install the ArcSoft Audio Decoder HD for DTS-HD decoding in your Direct Show Filters thread.

Thanks - Nice mix of the old ASAudioHD / ASAudioHD+ Wrapper with the newer V185 Decoder!  I take it you get the settings saved from the wrapper and full bitdebth from the V185 decoder (I'd given up on the wrapper as it was always with the old DTS Decoder and it would not do full bitdebth)  I've been using the adding settings to Win.Ini method but if your pack works then that is much much better

Hi Mojave, I finally tested this on my HTPC but I only get a max of 16bit/48khz .. eg no native 24bit/96khz that I get with the win.ini method and these filters -
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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #118 on: April 30, 2011, 09:24:55 pm »

Same for me as what jmone reports on my AMD 5870.  Using the method linked to on AVSForum I'm able to get 24 bit.


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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #119 on: April 30, 2011, 10:29:19 pm »

I found that out, too, yesterday and made a post about it at AVS when replying to renethx. I'll change my post here in the other thread.

Quote from: desertdome/mojave
I used the ArcSoft file (TMT3 185) in this post or yours and added the wrapper and checkactivate.dll. I see now that you wrote in another post "So called "wrapper" ( won't work with TMT3 185. Forget about that and use only win.ini." I also have the win.ini settings added on my computer. I just installed ReClock to check and it shows I am getting 48/16 from a DTS-HD audio track being decoded by the ArcSoft decoder. Which decoder version should I use?

Edit: I put the original file from TMT3 185 back in my folder and now I get 24 bit output. I understand what you mean by the wrapper not working.


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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #120 on: May 01, 2011, 01:29:00 am »

I found that out, too, yesterday and made a post about it at AVS when replying to renethx. I'll change my post here in the other thread.

I agree, probably a good idea to update it to the "best" method which for now looks like the win.ini one.
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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #121 on: May 07, 2011, 08:27:50 am »

You need AnyDVD HD, or any other application that'll give you the unencrypted Blu-ray.
No idea how that MakeMKV thing works.

But if you have AnyDVD HD installed, you can basically just put a disc in, and hope for the best.

I posted on the makeMVK forum about this, and the author sounds very willing to help get this working with his software.

This is possible but the author would have to modify his program, to call MakeMKV and get decryption keys. If there is any interest, please PM me.

Here is the link...

I hope this can happen :)
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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #122 on: May 10, 2011, 10:40:07 pm »

Matt, I can see you guys have clearly been busy lately (great changes btw!)

is this something you might be able to consider someday, or is this a bad idea that you just want to tell me you don't like?  ;D
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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #123 on: May 12, 2011, 10:31:12 am »

Matt, I can see you guys have clearly been busy lately (great changes btw!)

is this something you might be able to consider someday, or is this a bad idea that you just want to tell me you don't like?  ;D

Thanks for posting over there.

If the authors don't want to deal with writing a system driver, I wonder if they might write a Directshow transform filter instead?  Transform filters are simple memory-in / memory-out things, and I would think it could just be used between the source filter and LAV Splitter filter.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« Reply #124 on: May 12, 2011, 10:36:40 am »

Thanks for posting over there.

If the authors don't want to deal with writing a system driver, I wonder if they might write a Directshow transform filter instead?  Transform filters are simple memory-in / memory-out things, and I would think it could just be used between the source filter and LAV Splitter filter.

He hasn't said he won't write one, the only thing he said was you'd have to modify MC to call for the keys, and to MP him if you were interested.

I'm happy to pass along your latest suggestion, but since I don't have any idea what it all means, I wonder if you might just drop him a PM and see how interested he might be in all of this, and what he thinks you'd actually need to do in MC to get his keys, or if it's even possible on you end?
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