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Author Topic: MC opens network video in browser?!?  (Read 1601 times)


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MC opens network video in browser?!?
« on: May 07, 2011, 01:12:59 pm »

I am setting up two win7 machines - one MC server, one client - and a NAS with all the files on it. Its going great.

Except i just double clicked movie in a viewscheme on the client machine and my default browser popped up asking for authentiation... if i enter my MC network username/password chrome starts to download the video file!

the browser was pointed to <Internal IP address>:<port>/MCWS/v1/File/GetFile?File=1323802
i recognise this as the MC web service, which i have seen in media network options

if i add the video file to playing now, and double click it from playing now, it plays in MC.

a double click on an audio file in a viewscheme plays it in MC.

what on earth could be going on?!
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