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Author Topic: Please help: MJB8: Black window frame, menus are invisible!?  (Read 1052 times)


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After installing MJB under a user account (Windows 2000), MJB 8 starts but its window frame is black and its menu bar is unreadable. Although, if I click blindly in MJB's menu bar, I can pull down visible menus. I found and tried to check the Skin Manager, but the Skin Manager window ends up being black on black as well, so no help there.

Installing MJB 8 under the administrator account works fine (i.e. the window and menus look nice and the program is usable). I've gone through various iterations of giving the user account administrative rights and removing and the reinstalling MJB 8 under each account, but I always end up with that unusable application window under my user account.

Does anyone have a clue what's going on and how to fix it? (Especially since I paid my $25 just before discovering this problem, I'm feeling pretty stupid right now.)

And by the way... what's up with having to install MJB 8 once per user? That's an unbelievable hassle. Is this behavior a feature, a bug or what? Especially since MJB does not require a license for every user, one installation per machine really should be enough. This is the kind of thing that can get me to dump otherwise good software.

Anyway, I'd apprecaite any help you can provide with regards to the screwed up window. Thanks much!



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RE:Please help: MJB8: Black window frame, menus are invisible!?
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2002, 03:54:25 pm »

Sounds like you are looking at the primary / underlying mega-me skin. What version are you running?

One way to get around this would be to find the v.8 mega me skins on the web site and download one via IE. It should load and replace the one you have. Give it a try.

Otherwise, it's hunt and peck in the black on black interface to switch to one of the preloaded mega-me skins.


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RE:Please help: MJB8: Black window frame, menus are invisible!?
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2002, 05:26:37 pm »

I'm running the latest build of MJB (v8.0.293) downloaded today (June 7).

The right files (i.e. skins) must be on my machine since everything looks right from the administrator account. The MJB windows are only screwed up from the user account (and I did reinstall from that user account with administrative privileges).

There's got to be a better way than poking around in a black-on-black window to try to get things to work!?!? What about the registry? Is there a configuration key I can fix?




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RE:Please help: MJB8: Black window frame, menus are invisible!?
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2002, 06:09:26 pm »

Try reinstalling and make sure you install the full version.  It's 9MB.
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:Please help: MJB8: Black window frame, menus are invisible!?
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2002, 06:52:37 pm »

I had the exact same problem with Win2kPro. Uninstall the registry entries, and re-install from scratch. Worked for me.


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RE:Please help: MJB8: Black window frame, menus are invisible!?
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2002, 08:32:35 pm »

I just had the same thing happen last night on Windows XP Professional. I escaped when I finally was able to blind-click and disable the mega-me skin.

I have to concur that being forced to install once for each user account is an unnecessary hassle. I had left media server running, so my kids were being greeted with a message that the computer's IP address was going to be turned over to the FBI for prosecution for running unlicensed software. I had to run in and explain that everything was okay - but it did make me think that there had to be a better way.
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