I did not have a look at the links you give
Not because i do not care.Just i do not have my computer and use an old very slow one with a modem 56 kps phone connection
I am just comming from time to time on the net for short time.I need my phone line to be free
I get my computer tomorow and will go to the links you gave
If they are biased at a rational level-i mean not saying that we do pita with children blood-i do not see that as a big problem to me
But i just do not care if there is such a thing as palestiniens,if was such a thing as Palestine,i just do not care if Israel wrong or right,i just do not care about history
I have in front of me people who want a place to be,a place to live as they want
And by the way Jordan is not they place,they do not want to move to Jordan.They want to live where the are now.
To this i cannot imagine an other answer that YES
YES to all
Very very late-because of both sides-we started a process,the not that good Oslo plan
And since i have a problem
One one side they say that they want a state along Israel,on another side they say that the ultime goal is to destroy Israel,negociations are just a way to get it
Ok ,you can listen to arafat on CNN
But just read ALL his speechs in arabic.ALL of them call for the destruction of Israel
Have a look to ALL school books,they speak about the destruction of Israel
Now Mubarak is mad at Arafat.I did not listen to the chef of security Mubarak sent him,and want to take hamas and jhihad in is gouvernement
If case you wonder if i try to bias,i just tell you that i heard on egyptian tv in they french and english news
So let put things staigth away
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r we are trying to find an agrement,and there is a way to find one.Not easy and both sides will not get that they want
Or they play double game cause there is white countrys stupid enought to not understand
And they want to destroy us.I do not even have a problem with it
You want to destroy us,welcome, i am ready to do the same.And i am like you ,there is no men,women,kids,just an ennemy
Let see who will survive
Now if you say we have tanks ,planes,army and not you,very sorry but YOU want to destroy us.In this case better to think before
The enemy for me is not the palestiniens,the enemy is the people who want to destroy me
If they are white,arabs,black,blue with green stripes ,the same to me
My opinion is that palestiniens do not deserve to have such a rubish as arafat as they leader.Beside the problem with Israel
they do not have freedoom,they do not see one cent of the billions dollars stupid europe gave to arafat
Thanks to arafat the only thing they gave to the word is suicide bombing as new rule in the game that will spread all other the world in near future
I do think they deserve much better than it
They deserve to have a better life,to have freedom.But arafat is THEY leader,NOT mine
The day they will be ready to find a solution ,to see negotation as a final goal-and not a steep to destroy us-,this day we ,all of us,will find a solution
If not ,they will bomb us as now
Even concerning that,they leader is stupid
They killed few hundreds of us,we killed few thousands of them
Numbers speak:if they want to bomb us another 10 years,look like that no need for a country,a reservation will do for the few still alive
This is for a large part THEY problem,not MINE
Wish you a nice sunday-Salem