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Author Topic: Book on the Run, Part 2  (Read 923 times)


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Book on the Run, Part 2
« on: June 05, 2002, 06:53:54 am »

The idea was easy, now the hard part -- getting it to happen.  The first step just worked.

I just came back from the bus station, where I found a young woman carrying her bags in the door with her mother.  I asked if she was headed to Chicago.  Changing in Chicago, she said.  I asked her if she would mind taking the book to Chicago.  I guess so, she said.  I gave her the book, but her mother didn't look at me, so I tagged along for a couple minutes to see if I could win her trust.  I carried a bag, gave my driver's license to security, and followed them to the gate, toting the bag.

Is this OK with you, I asked her Mom.  What is it, she said.

Explaining what it is isn't easy, but I said it was a book for a friend, and we wanted it to be carried to him, not shipped.

May I ask what your name is?  Lilian, the daughter said.  And yours?  Therese, the mother said, still looking at the book.

So, hopefully, the Book is On The Run.

For those who tuned in late, here's the original thread:

and the letter that is accompanying the book (thanks to Cmagic for the French version).

“Book on the Run”  -- You have been entrusted with a special mission – to deliver this book to:

Yonatan BOAZ
13\13 lipsky street
Tel-aviv Israel
He may have a telephone.

It can’t be shipped.  It must only be hand carried, preferably in short segments like an Olympic torch.  Keep it safe, read it while you travel, and then hand it to someone else who looks trustworthy.  Write a message in the book if you want.

Yonatan is known on our website at as “zevele”.  We have no idea why.  Zevele must mean something to him.

Here is his story.  Zevele began visiting the Interact site above about a year ago.  He was at first very quiet and humble, with frequent apologies for his English.  We have managed to piece together the following facts about him as he became less shy:

He is French by birth.  
He has traveled a lot.
He says he has attended more than 1000 concerts.
As a boy, his family moved him to the attic when it was clear that he would never turn the music down.
He seems to be awake at all hours.
He may drink.
His neighbors must surely know who he is.
His work involves painting ceilings of hair salons.  Sounds suspicious.
He is passionate about everything.
This book is a lot like him.

So, if you’re willing, please help.  If not, just give the book to someone else and hope for the best.

When you hand it off, please email jimh @ and tell me where you started, where you ended, and whether you can make any sense of this.  Was it an uplifting experience?  I’ll post your comments on our board so everybody can follow the progress of the book.

A very big “Thanks!” for helping out.

Jim Hillegass
CEO, JRiver

“ Un livre qui marche ! “  -- Vous avez été choisi pour une mission de confiance - faire parvenir ce livre a:

Yonatan BOAZ
13\13 lipsky street
Tel-aviv Israel
Il se peut qu'il ait un téléphone !

Ce livre ne peut être expédié par voie postale. Il ne peut qu'être livré de la main à la main, de preference par étapes à la manière de la flamme olymique. Prenez en soin comme la prunelle de vos yeux, lisez le pendant votre voyage (si vous pouvez lire l'anglais) et confiez le à un autre messager que vous jugerez digne de confiance. Rédigez un message si vous le désirez, même en français, Yonatan comprendra.

Yonatan est connu par le surnom de "Zevele" sur notre site internet Nous ne connaissons pas l'origine de ce surnom. Cela doit certainement avoir une signification pour lui.

Voici l'histoire. Zevele à commencé de fréquenter notre site web il y a environ un an. Au début il était fort calme et timide arguant de sa prétendue ignorance de la langue anglaise. Après quelques semaines et alors que sa langue commencait à se délier et sa timidité à se faire moins évidente, nous avons pu rassembler les
éléments suivants:

Il est né français.
C'est un grand voyageur.
Amateur éclairé de musique, il s'est rendu à plus de 1000 concerts.
Enfant, ses parents lui aménagèrent un appartement lorsqu'ils réalisèrent qu'ils ne parviendraient à lui faire baisser le volume de sa musique.
Il est comme New-York, il ne dort jamais.
Il est possible qu'il boive un peu.
Ses voisins le reconnaitront sans problèmes.
Sa profession est de peindre les plafonds des salons de coiffure. Cela semble suspect.
C'est un passionné dans l'âme.
Ce livre lui ressemble beaucoup.

Donc, si vous êtes d'accord, aidez nous. Sinon confiez ce livre à quelqu'un d'autre et souhaitons que tout ira bien et que le livre parvienne à son destinataire final.

Lorsque vous transmettrez ce livre, SVP envoyez un courrier électronique à jimh @ et racontez moi ou vous avez commencé votre relai, ou vous l'avez terminé et quel est votre sentiment sur cette expérience. Je publierai vos commentaires sur notre forum de manière à ce que tous puissent suivre le périple de ce livre.

Un grand "Merci" pour votre aide.

Jim Hillegass,   CEO, JRiver,
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:Book on the Run, Part 2
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2002, 07:17:55 am »

Later when JimH went to bed Lilian & Therese left the book on the bus.

When the bus driver was cleaning up, he found the book and offered it to a bum at the bus station.

I do want to know if it ever gets there, this reminds me of a note in a bottle.
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
Fayetteville, NC, USA


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RE:Book on the Run, Part 2
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2002, 08:28:45 am »

Listening to: '04 - Count Basie Orchestra with Lambert Hendricks & Ross GOIN' TO CHICAGO BLUES' from 'Original Swingers, Hipsters, Zoots' by 'Various Artists' on Media Jukebox
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


  • MC Beta Team
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RE:Book on the Run, Part 2
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2002, 09:11:29 am »

Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
Fayetteville, NC, USA
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