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Author Topic: Track Year/Genre Lookup for Best of and Compilation albums  (Read 66282 times)


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Re: Track Year/Genre Lookup for Best of and Compilation albums
« Reply #50 on: May 15, 2011, 12:02:52 am »

I was going through some of my previous track year searches that failed to return any years and noticed for me a lot of the problems were due to things like having Feat..... or (Featuring.....) or some other variation in the track name. If I removed these most of the time I'd then get a successful result.

I didn't want to go through and actually alter these track names as I want the Featuring... some artist on them. So I added some user customizable passive filtering capabilities to the program that will alter the search string only. Multiple filters can be created and are processed in top down order.

Also corrected a small bug where certain failed searched would return 9999 for the year when the cell should have been getting shaded instead.

Wasn't going to release it at first as I wasn't sure if many would have much use for it and it wasn't polished up at all and was kinda rough around the edges. Had some free time so cleaned up the filter interface slightly and decided to put it out.

Hope it helps someone out.

URL removed, bad site.


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Re: Track Year/Genre Lookup for Best of and Compilation albums
« Reply #51 on: May 16, 2011, 12:18:34 pm »

I was using this pretty regularly but my IP was banned from discogs..... not sure how to get it re-instated.  Thanks for the update as I still use this to create playlists, etc
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