More > Media Center 16 (Development Ended)
NEW FEATURE: Red October (Automatic DirectShow Configuration)
[Edit for build 111. June 15, 2011]
MC has been a DirectShow video player for several years, but DirectShow can be difficult to configure. Now, in MC16, you can set playback to our new Red October mode and it just works. We take care of downloading best of breed and "known good" filters when required, installing them and setting them up. We use our own file locations and process to build a reliable DirectShow graph without interfering with your current configuration. This is a big leap forward for MC's video reliability and quality.
In a build 103, that will be released here this week or next, you will find
MC16 introduces a new feature we call Red October. Like the movie, it's quietly stealthy and powerful. If you check the option under MC's Video settings, we will take care of setting up DirectShow so that video will play without further effort. Thanks to the beta team for help in choosing filters and configurations.
If you leave the setting unchecked, you will be able to choose your own DirectShow filters and settings.
I cannot wait to play around with the new version.
* Will there be any way to determine filter selection before playing a file?
* Does Red October alter settings within the filter settings?
* Will MC download the appropriate filters or must they be preinstalled?
* Can we see a list of the filters/priorities for each file type?
* Does this affect audio bitstreaming or other custom setups?
* Is hardware acceleration used by default?
* Will we have a choice of which renderer to utilize if we use Red October?
MC will get the files it needs and configure them.
Bitstreaming is possible.
The renderer will eventually be MadVR. We still have a few issues to work out.
For the most part, it will be on or off. If you want to tweak, you can turn it off.
I'd just like to shout-out personally to Nathan (jmone) for doing an awesome job of pulling together a consensus on filters. This is really going to be great when it is done. Frankly, with the exception of some relatively minor fiddly bits, it is already awesome.
What will happen to my existing settings if I turn this on and off?
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