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Author Topic: Pvdimport  (Read 2028 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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« on: June 24, 2011, 03:50:50 pm »

Greetings: Thanks for the pointer yo usent me this A.M regarding my    plug-ins not been enabled under the tree.

I am now trying to configur the PVDimport for this test notebook PC.

The "ModDate" topic: I have added this filed to the structure of the table, also added it to the Filed in MC 16.
What value do we insert in this filed? any?
I stil lget error- ModDate does not exist, please create.
Another topic.. reading fro mon of the psot regarding .Rating IMdB, it looks like the field needs to be created in MC and Pvdimport also-correct?

Anothr issue: Will this program work with Bluray Sony megachanger? My setup is most disk -based.
I also want to use it with Directv movies or so in the HD. Any problem using this program for something like this?

I am almost ready with the main server which comprised  Oentium i7-990X with GA X58A-UD5 already i nthe house.
i am waiting for more hard drives and Patriot PX7324G2000LHK (extreme). Everything component is ready on hand except a few harddrives/memory.
Thanks again for the help.

  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Pvdimport
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2011, 08:15:59 pm »

I stil lget error- ModDate does not exist, please create.

If you get this error, you have not added the field to MC. Make sure the field you add to MC is exactly the same as what appears in the "ModDate" box at the top right of the configuration. Do not use the same name for any "McField" in the table below. Do not enter any values in the field—it's for the plugin's internal use only (it's used to determine if the PVD record has changed since the last update).

Another topic.. reading fro mon of the psot regarding .Rating IMdB, it looks like the field needs to be created in MC and Pvdimport also-correct?

Yes, all fields in the configuration (unless "ignored") must also be in MC. Use Test Fields to ensure they are.

Anothr issue: Will this program work with Bluray Sony megachanger? My setup is most disk -based.
I also want to use it with Directv movies or so in the HD. Any problem using this program for something like this?

You shouldn't have any problems with HDD-based movies. I don't know about the megachanger. Does it have some kind of computer interface?


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Pvdimport
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2011, 11:54:42 am »


When I wrote you yesterday, I was using MC16.116, I was able to browse the Pvd table. I was able to see the fields and descriptions.
Just before I got your reply, I upgraded to MC16-119.
I went to load pvdimport.. Nothing on the screen. The MC field -blank, and pvd expression field blank. I do not know what I have done to cause this.

Coming back to your response. I looked at the ModDate, I did not put an(.) in either the Manage library fields in MC.(I have corrected this) as of this moment.
But on the pvdimport table, I am unable to type anything.
I get error Database in use by another user , but I am the only user. I have to close and open.
 I hope to add or correct the "ModDate" to be ".ModDate"  no quote.

On the issue of megachanger Sony dvp cx7000ES-Bluray-  It has rs232 and IP controls. Yes, the unit can be tied to a PC.
Another Sony PC based 400 disc DVD player is the 777ES, which I own also. This uses only RS232. I have 300 or more dvds stored here. ( I hope to use in my view type Disk based type setup. Only Directv save shows and movies will actuall reside on hard drives).
If I can get Pvdimport to work with MC, I will be happy. I was going to interface DVD Profiler with MC, but with your program, I will see how well it blends. I will not know this until my server is ready, maybe in 4-8 weeks.
Hopefully, I will be able to donate $ for your effort.
Could you just give me a hint.. mimimum $ accepted for donation? I do not want to offer something that will sound like an insult <grin>.

Thanks again.

  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Pvdimport
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2011, 04:56:45 pm »

I went to load pvdimport.. Nothing on the screen. The MC field -blank, and pvd expression field blank.

Sounds like a missing or corrupt field configuration file. Try to Load the one you previously saved, or reload the default. They should be saved in ..\Plugins\PvdImport.

I get error Database in use by another user , but I am the only user. I have to close and open.

Have you installed Firebird Server? In PVD, have you connected to the database using the server, or just opened it normally? If the database is open in PVD, PvdImport (using Firebird Server) will not be able to connect to it.

I hope to add or correct the "ModDate" to be ".ModDate"  no quote.

You can name the field anything you like—as long as it exists in MC and is correctly entered in the configuration.

It has rs232 and IP controls.

I'd be surprised if anything could be done with RS232. If both MC and PVD can address the disks via IP, then PvdImport should work. There's no magic to it really—it just associates the record in PVD to that in MC using the common file path name.

Hopefully, I will be able to donate $ for your effort. Could you just give me a hint.. mimimum $ accepted for donation?

I'm just  a user. PVD was created by nostra and PvdImport by raldo. I'm sure both will appreciate whatever you're able to give.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Pvdimport
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2011, 10:43:17 pm »

Thanks for your input. I just got the vanishing field issue resolvedd. There is a column or field with no entry far to the left of the table, a click will bring the field contents back.

Thanks again,
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