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Author Topic: duplicate playlists when I sync--possible bug?  (Read 2183 times)


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duplicate playlists when I sync--possible bug?
« on: May 02, 2011, 02:00:42 pm »

I have a Samsung Captivate (Froyo) that has Player Pro and Songbird on it (I am trying to decide which one I like better!).  When I sync my phone with MC, all goes well, except I eventually get duplicated playlists.  It is not always immediate, but will show up by the second or third time I play music on the phone.  Could this be a bug in MC16? (I have the latest version, btw.)

The first playlist is empty and the second is perfectly normal.  I even have some instances where I will have up to 4 copies of a playlist.  One other note is that sometimes the 3 or 4 repeated playlists have different numbers of songs in each playlist, or they are entirely filled with songs NOT in that playlist. (Example: my 'good ccm' playlist has all Christmas music in it...)  I also see playlists synced to my device that no longer exist on MC. (Even if I wipe all playlists off the Samsung and resync.)

It seems like it's a bug in MC, because both players show the same duplicates.


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Re: duplicate playlists when I sync--possible bug?
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2011, 05:13:17 pm »



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Re: duplicate playlists when I sync--possible bug?
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2011, 07:12:43 pm »

I can't answer your issue specifically but I know there are MSC and MTP addons for Songbird. You might try sticking to one method. Usually MSC is more reliable.


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Re: duplicate playlists when I sync--possible bug?
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2011, 11:17:07 pm »

I've setup my Android phone to sync with MC and I see pretty much the same behavior / bug on my Android phone as well. MC is only writing to the SD card and it doesn't look like there are duplicate playlists in the playlist directory so I have a bad feeling this is an Android bug but I really don't know.

Is there anybody out there syncing to an Android phone or device of any kindwho doesn't experience this duplicate playlist bug? If so, can you share you're handheld sync settings?

This really limits how useful the sync to android feature is as I regularly have to cleanup the duplicate playlists which is a bit of a pain.



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Re: duplicate playlists when I sync--possible bug?
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2011, 08:48:55 am »

I found an app that removes the duplicates!!!  It is called Playlist Cleaner, and it looks like it does the trick!  It does appear to be an external SD card issue.

Good news is that it's NOT a bug with JRiver.  I should have known better...
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