Matt, there are 2 places where Default Renderer can be chosen. The first is in the general options area, next to Normalize volume (this is where i had madVR chosen, and I chose this months ago, before Red October), and the second is in the dropdown list presented if you pick RO w/additional filters (I had this set to "Automatic").
if I change the renderer in the first option, this is the reneder that MC uses if I pick either flavor of RO w/additional filters; *if* I don't pick a render from the drop down list only presented with RO w/additional (the second place).
If I choose the renderer in this 'direct show selection' (second place) it will override the other default (first place), and will use this choice.
this is how i got it working in the first place.
The option for default renderer (first place) seems to override the renderer that RO would normally use if one didn't select "with additional filters".
I don't think this first place/option to choose default render serves any purpose any longer.
I think RO w/additional should use the full RO options, including renderer *unless* it is overridden with the choices presented in the direct show options.
so RO w/addtional should still just EVR, just like regular RO, and RO HQ w/additional should use madVR, just like regular RO HQ.
if a user does change the render in this dialog/option area, it should override the standard RO choice, but only if a user chooses.
I don't see where this first option to choose a system default render serves a purpose today.
either flavor of red October uses the render it likes, so why offer another default choice?
the only time I could see where MC 'should' maybe use this default is if a user picks direct show (no RO option), but even then, if they are picking direct show over red october, they can be expected to have a good understanding of direct show filters, and it's reasonable to expect them to choose a renderer.
I just think removing this first 'deafult renderer' option would 'fix' my wierd situation, and prevent more confusion later. I just don't see any benefit to having this any longer.
I hope that makes more sense. Sorry, I can't easily post screen shots from work, but can from home later is this still doesn't make sense.