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Author Topic: Can't Rip Disc  (Read 1723 times)


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Can't Rip Disc
« on: August 15, 2011, 03:56:02 pm »

For some reason I'm not able to rip Stravinsky's "The Rite of Spring" Telarc SACD-60563. I know it won't rip DSD, but this is a Hybrid disc. I just ripped another Hybrid SACD before trying this one and I have several hybrids in my Library. A dialog box comes up saying "output directory cannot be created for the files". Please advise...


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Re: Can't Rip Disc
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2011, 04:02:53 pm »

This often means there are problematic characters in one of the fields used to create the directories, such as Artist, Album, or Track names.
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Re: Can't Rip Disc
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2011, 12:16:23 pm »

OK, so what do I do about it?


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Re: Can't Rip Disc
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2011, 12:28:33 pm »

Try this as a fast process of elimination...

Set all the text fields to ABC and set the year to see if the rip moves forward.

If not, this wasn't the issue and you can re-lookup the disc (right-click the Drives & Devices > disc name (drive) > Update from Online Database).

If that was the issue, then you'll need to work your way through the fields, trying to locate the non-visible or problematic characters.  Or you can just replace them all with correct entries, using or other.  If this solves the issue, be sure to Submit your updated track info so others don't trip on this entry.

If neither of these solve the issue, reply again.

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Re: Can't Rip Disc
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2011, 03:06:34 pm »

Changing all fields to "ABC" results in the following message "Open Drive Failed / Parameter is out of range"
The original message says to check the output directory in "Rip Settings". I went into Options>Ripping and didn't see anything that spoke to an "output directory". I selected "update from online data base" and nothing happened, so I "submitted to an online database" and the info. came up, but it still won't rip. I get the same message about the output directory. Also, the info. isn't in CDPlayer.ini.


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Re: Can't Rip Disc
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2011, 04:42:41 pm »

Ok, so this sounds like MC is having trouble with either the drive or the media.

It doesn't appear to be path related.

Audio ripping location is specified by File Location > Audio and the base path, Folder rule and Filename rule.  If other discs are ripping to this location, and setting the CD fields in the CD dialog (those referenced in the File Location above) to know-good values, then the ripping folder doesn't appear to be the issue.

CDs won't generally be in cdplayer.ini - this is an old, legacy file.  Some other programs may update this file, and MC can use it for reading, but MC doesn't update it.

Perhaps one of the devs has more insight...
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Re: Can't Rip Disc
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2011, 09:33:45 pm »

Yeah, I definitely ripped two other CD's along with Stravinsky; one regualr CD and another Hybrid SACD. I've also Imported 5 new albums from HD Tracks in the last 3 days and had no problem with any of them. Unfortunately, none of the "other dev.s" have chimed in as yet. I'll keep bumping and waiting...
You say it appears that MC is having trouble with either the drive or the media. Why would either of these only present a problem with this one disc? By "drive", do you mean the optical drive or the computer's HHD?
I recently installed a 240GB SSD with the intention of using it for my music library. So far I've installed it and formatted the drive, but nothing is on it. Could you possibly make a suggestion for the best way to transfer the Library to SSD. I need for all the metadata to come over as well. I know, from past experience, that if I try to move something using Windows (rather than MC) MC will no longer recognize or play the files. A red "X" in a yellow blob appears next to the tracks and it says something to the effect of "file not found" when I go to play them. Is there any easy way to accomplish this in one fell swoop with a minimal amount of difficulty and no need to manually enter meta data? Do I need to change the File > Location path? Can't I just clone the Library in MC? Please Advise!!!


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Re: Can't Rip Disc
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2011, 09:58:09 pm »

I was intending to mean the CD/DVD drive or the disc might be having troubles, not the HD.  This message you reported is worth follow-up:

Open Drive Failed / Parameter is out of range

It would seem to suggest MC tried to open the drive for reading, and it failed, because some value was beyond what was expected.  Try rebooting, as this suggests a hardware issue and other posts on the forum her indicate a reboot might help.

Re: moving files, see:  Disable auto-import for the old folder.  The idea is that when you change the files location outside of MC, you also need to update MC's internal notion of where the files are located (this is what the Update database to point to new location item does in the Rename, Move, & Copy files dialog).
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Re: Can't Rip Disc
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2011, 10:43:04 pm »

Just a bump, still no luck with that Tchaikovsky/Stravinsky disc!
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