Dear Fellows:
I am using an htc Sensation (Android 2.3.3) and have given up on wmp ever keeping the database straight (it's pitiful). Anyway, I had already had playlists and their objects (music and videos) loaded into the phone. I have tried out Media Center and I must say, I cannot seem to fool it's database. I can move stuff around and the open playlist always knows where I moved the song (not sure if it will do that without the playlist open, but then again, I'm not sure there is such a thing as the "playlist being open" since there is no "save" button for the playlist... most strange). Anyway, I have made a couple playlists and sync'd them with the phone. Now, the "Drives & Devices" selection only shows the two playlists that I made with the Media Center.
Ok, the question: How do I get Media Center to show all the playlists (and songs as well) so that I can manage the content already there? I would like to, for example, see a playlist, and edit it right in the phone. However, if this is not possible, how do I get to the stuff in the phone. I don't want to have to delete it. I did import the wmp playlists and they are in Media Center. I wish there was a way to move them out of the "imported playlists" list. Do I have to copy and paste into a Media Center playlist and then delete what is on the phone and sync the new playlists? If so, what is the best way to delete the playlists (and/or content) on the phone? (I'm not sure that deleting a playlist in the Android actually deletes the songs as well).
Well, there are a bunch of questions in there. I will most appreciate a thorough dissertation... just kidding. I would like to say that, initially, I was going crazy trying to figure out the "views" of Media Center, but I am now getting the hang of it. The database integrity, although I don't know how it works, is certainly robust since I cannot mess it up. My hats' off to you developers. I guess I'd better stop before I think of some more questions.
Thank you in advance for your help.