Wow! Got the whole album in both DSD and PCM 24-96 for $0.20 !

Thank you very much for the info !
I see in the above download the WAV files are almost the same size as DFF files.
For WAV files I can compress it using FLAC. What about DFF files? I could compress it using DST but will MC play DFF DST compressed files?
I also wonder what file format to choose for my MyTek playback. DFF or DSF ?
DSF is suggested as supporting metadata natively. I see DFF as a download option on many sites.
I am about to build my DSD library and want to choose right format. I will have FLAC for PCM and something (yet to decide if DFF or DSF) for DSD.
I want to use custom tags like "Mastering". I can see it easily be written into FLAC file as "MASTERING" tag. I am not sure about DFF or DST. Do they use Id3 tags? Does Id3 support custom tags? How would be "Mastering" written to them? Can it be then edited by mp3tag (provided it will support these files in the future) ?
Do you plan to support SACD ISO playback (similar to Foobar plugin) in native DSD mode?