that was the smoothest version upgrade so far.. picked up all my 16 settings. nice.
there seems to be a problem with the text under album thumbs when using an expression (or something has changed what i have not found yet).
i use an expression under my albums
LP FormatNumber([Played Days Ago,0],1) days ago
easy. where [played days ago] is a custom library field what does what it says, and that works. in 16 this expression would give me the average of [played days ago]. now i get values that do not make any sence when looking at [played days ago]...

oh.. i see what it does now... when all the values are the same.. say 10, it gives 10. but when it says for instance 1, 100 , 100 ,3 (so the value is different for different songs of the album) it gives 0.