I was going to let this go (and I should be in bed), and I'm getting lost on exactly what issues we're discussing, but... I have to just say this for the record.
do believe that we are barreling towards an environmental catastrophe of nearly unimaginable proportions.
And, if we don't do something to stop it, we could be looking at a Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event scale disaster.
And, I think we will
probably wait until we are forced to try to stop it, which is too bad because it will just cause much more misery than it needs to.
But, I think the signs in the next 20 years will become so blatant, and difficult (and perhaps more importantly, expensive) to deal with that we will indeed try. We will also discover that it is already much worse than we think it is, and there will be hell to pay in some quarters for that. In the end, though, I think we will avert a real, unstoppable catastrophe. But, I suspect, even if we do end up with a geological era-ending disaster, that humanity (of all species) will find a way to survive and thrive.
We can survive on the surface of the moon, and at the bottom of the ocean, and in the Sahara, and in Antarctica. This too, shall pass.
PS. If I was king, I'd start tearing down all the coal-fired power plants immediately and start building Nuclear plants (and any other viable energy producing technology available) in their place. Nuclear power is not perfect, but it does produce very concentrated, and relatively small, waste. And expecting us to even reduce, much less halve, our energy consumption (rather than continue our current curve) is a pipe-dream.
I'd also wear a ring, and never hurt my people. Because that's what Deaner was talking about.