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Math() : available functions list...

<< < (2/4) > >>

A few more:
Power: x^y
Min: x<y
Max: x>y
Absolute value max: x}y
Absolute value min: x{y
Not: !x
And: x&y
Or: x|y


--- Quote from: Matt on November 22, 2011, 12:53:04 pm ---A few more:
Power: x^y
Min: x<y
Max: x>y

--- End quote ---

These seem more than described:

3^2 returns 1.4601391553878784
2^3 returns 1.4464412927627563

11>4 returns 7
11<4 returns -7

so it seems these are not min/max but rather abs. distance functions, with sign indicating if less than/greater than is true.


--- Quote from: MrC on November 22, 2011, 01:19:40 pm ---These seem more than described:

3^2 returns 1.4601391553878784
2^3 returns 1.4464412927627563
--- End quote ---

It was missing a break in a case statement, so you got an extra atan(...) as a bonus.

--- Quote ---11>4 returns 7
11<4 returns -7
--- End quote ---

If(t,a,b) uses (t > 0) to evaluate conditionals, so functionally it should be the same.

Ok, the new build fixes the ^ operator.

I don't get how If() works:

math( if(0,5,2) )     returns 2, correct
math( if(1,5,2) )     returns 5, correct
math( if(1+1,5,2) )  returns 5, correct

math( if(1-1,5,2)  )  returns 5, not so correct

The if statements are probably being evaluated by the expression language, not the math language.  I suppose we'll need to special case this (or just not support it).


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