Matt, thanks for the quick reply.
I see now what you mean on the output. If I select under "Channels" to 5.1 I then have the option to output as DD. This does work when selecting WASAPI Event, but is still 2.0 under ASIO. I'm pretty darn sure I used ASIO and selected source channels before and was able to output 5.1 DD.
With bitstreaming I can leave it as "source channels" and it works fine with WASAPI Event Style, but is problematic with ASIO. It worked, and then it didn't; no sound. So maybe I have ASIO driver issues, but it's the same driver. (I did increase the buffer).
I'm fine with bitstreaming as the only thing I am losing is VideoClock; as all other options lost are being handled by my receiver.
I know I was running under ASIO drivers on old machine. What do I lose by using WASAPI Event instead? I bit more delay/jitter?