More > Media Center 17
NEW: WebGizmo -- looks and works like Gizmo -- runs in a browser
No captions appear in Firefox. Same if run in "safe mode." Captions do appear in IE and Chrome.
What perfect timing!
We are away on holidays but had to remote into my server to install this, it is looking really good at such an early stage, so well done Matt.
Only thing I can't do so far is play videos and tv recordings to the iPad. it would be great if they could stream like when I use a Dlna renderer locally, and for me the only way that worked was to use the mpeg2/DVD option for the DNA server.
Is there a way of setting the video conversion options for webGizmo somehow?
Cheers and happy holidays to everybody and especially the whole hard working JRiver team.
--- Quote from: on December 23, 2011, 07:09:27 pm ---No captions appear in Firefox. Same if run in "safe mode." Captions do appear in IE and Chrome.
--- End quote ---
Quick fix if you want to play...
comment out overflow: hidden; here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 17\Data\Library Server\Gizmo\Default\default.css
.thumbitem .title
width: 100%;
height: 21px;
font-size: 17px;
text-overflow: ellipsis; /* doesn't work with Firefox, but should with some devices */
/*overflow: hidden;*/
text-align: center;
--- Quote ---Quick fix if you want to play...
--- End quote ---
That was easy. Thanks. Obviously, it's a known issue...
--- Quote ---Only thing I can't do so far is play videos and tv recordings to the iPad.
--- End quote ---
This may because that part is not finished. Currently it is using Flash (at least on Chrome) which as we know has less than optimal support on iOS... :)
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