I'm not sure how to explain this exactly, but something has changed. Not sure if I accidently changed a setting or this is from the newest update.
Before when I used a list view I could sort by multiple columns. For example, in Video if I clicked on media subtype, then series, then season then episode it would sort all the files in that order, so that all movies were together and all tv shows were together below movies, and within a subtype each series was sorted alphabetically and within each series it was sorted by season and within each season by episode... hope that makes sense
Now I can only select one column at a time so that clicking media subtype sorts everything by subtype, then clicking series would resort everything by series and so on, so that I can't possibly make the list sort so that each series is together sorted by season and episode.
Does that make sense? I just want to go back to the way it was yesterday.