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Line-in playback: ASIO or WASAPI

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I'm hoping to sneak line-in playback into the program at some point.

The goal would be to allow the full audio engine to work on something like a vinyl player, SACD player, or other analog input.

If we only have time to add WASAPI or ASIO line-in support, which would be a better choice?

ASIO seems to be the more common input for low-latency recording, but WASAPI probably works with more devices.


Hmmm... Link  ;D

For me, any recording I would do would not be live, so the low-latency associated with ASIO wouldn't be much of a factor.
Unless I'm completely missing something.
Which is entirely possible...

I would like to be able to play a game console (PS3) through the JRiver audio/video engine. Input to my HTPC through a Hauppauge Colossus card along with the video was my idea of what might work. I would also like to be able to connect a satellite or cable TV box somehow.

I would also like to be able to direct the measurement signal from Room EQ Wizard out through the audio engine (ASIO) and take the microphone measurement back in from the same audio device and into Room EQ Wizard.

The measurement software works normally, the measurement signal just passes through JRiver DSP on the way out. I would direct the signal to one of the eight 7.1 channels at a time. The microphone measurement would come back in and be passed through to the measurement program (REW).


--- Quote ---ASIO seems to be the more common input for low-latency recording, but WASAPI probably works with more devices.
--- End quote ---
In my experience, this sums it up pretty well.
From what I've seen around here JRiver (or it users, I forget which) discourages use of ASIO4ALL, which is commonly suggested for people who intend to do any "time sensitive" recording. I'm not really familiar with how much delay WASAPI drivers will add, but in terms of something like a turntable, I can't see it making any difference. In terms of something like a video game console though, there would be some problems with any significant delay.

I'd think that most audio interfaces that have a good ADC will also have ASIO drivers.  Certainly anything at the home studio or professional audio level.  And there's devices like the Creative E-MU stuff that does well with ASIO but doesn't behave as well with WASAPI.

I vote for ASIO. 


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