Maybe today, maybe next week, we'll have a new plug-in, thanks to Matt.
The bad news first. It won't be free, but you can help set the price. It will have a free trial period.
The good news is that you will be able to run it much as you would a visualization. It inserts itself into MJ as a display plugin.
Right now, it does the following:
1. Let's you specify an image folder.
2. Switches manually, or at 2 second, 5 second, 10 second, etc. intervals.
3. Provides 6 or 8 different transitions between images.
4. Images can be in random order, aspect ratio can be maintained.
5. As with visualizations, it can be an internal or external window and can be full screen.
In the next couple of weeks, it will acquire more features. Things like "change image on track change".
I've been using it at home the last couple of days, and it is very cool. It adds another dimension. Best of all, ladies like it.
Thanks to Matt for this very nice addition to MJ.