Hi. My system is a self-build htpc with an i3-2105, Asus Xonar STX (using the Asus ASIO drivers, set to ASIO in J Rvier), connected via the analog out to a Macintosh C22/MC240.
Whenever I am in Theater View and the background image changes while playing music there is a little hiccup in the sound. This also occurs when I use the remote to switch menu options and when I select Exit to back Media Center. I'm guessing this is due to CPU usage, though I could be totally wrong about this I guess? Its harder to reproduce in standard view, which I assume doesn't use the CPU as much. I have played with the ASIO settings (larger and smaller buffer, etc.), but there seems to be no change. Any ideas how to fix this problem?
Second question has to do with madvr settings. I'm using the HD 3000 graphics from Intel built into the 2105. I have DDR-2133 ram, and have overclocked the GPU to 1350 to get best madvr performance based on this post over at avsforums (
http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?p=21014311#post21014311). The media player renethx uses is not JRiver so i'm trying to get a sense of what the best madvr settings are. Given the intel graphics, I have checked hardware acceleration in JRiver. What decoding settings am I best off using? The only listings seem to be the ffmpeg software decoder and the Intel software decoder. which one is better? And no hardware decoder available? If RedOctober HQ works differently than what renethx has setup in that post, what is the best option for me in jriver?