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Converting from .FLAC to WAV increases bit rate

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Alex B:

--- Quote from: wileydog on February 26, 2012, 09:14:49 am ---The only benefit to converting FLAC to WAV might be to get the same quality onto an IPOD for docking to a Wadia iTransport or the like.
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As Vocalpoint said, a sensible thing to do would be to convert to Apple Lossless aka ALAC.

You can configure MC to use an external ALAC encoder and do the format conversions inside MC:


--- Quote from: JimH on February 27, 2012, 05:47:26 pm --- MC supports optional WAV tagging:

--- End quote ---

Unfortunately - not a lot - if any -other programs do. Therefore - risking wav and then moving your files to another playback platform could easily leave you tag "challenged" again :)


I just installed JRiver MC onto my NAS QNAP 251HS+ I noticed  that FLAC files are converted into WAV whereas in the explorer the files are in FLAC. I tried to reconvert them form JRiver option. the conversion failed. someone can explain this ? is this a bug ? or JRiver want to improve the audio ?


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