I'm sure the fields do have some values. Yet, the question is, are the values correct and *exactly* the same where relevant. You may believe so...
MC and the database works, views work, so there's something you're not understanding. Users like me here on the forums will need the raw data, not an interpretation of it. Otherwise, we're all kind of stuck like you are currently.
So, perhaps some screenshots are in order, from a Panes view of the relevant tracks/artists/albums.
If you want, you can export a text file for someone here to examine. Go to the Panes view, and then File > Export Playlist. Select:
Save in: <navigate to your Desktop to save there)
Format: Text format
Included Fields: All Fields
Output Range: All
You can zip the file and attach it to your post (I believe, otherwise we'll figure out a different way).