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Improving subtitles (once again :p)

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--- Quote from: Matt on April 24, 2012, 09:29:01 am ---What is the most timing shift you would ever need?

At what granularity do you want to set the timing shift?


--- End quote ---

Well, if there were buttons or key-combinations the scale would be infinite, and the steps would be 500ms... Like mpc-hc and potplayer :)

Next build:
NEW: Subtitle timing can be adjusted from the OSD when subtitles are on (use up/down/left/right while playing).

that is great news matt now i can finally get rid of my keyboard for my htpc !!!

Great change!!! Thanks a lot!!!

Sorry for bumping an old topic, but I need to make a desperate +1 on improving the subtitle visibility. I absolutely cannot see the text in some situations, the thin black border is just too thin to make the text stand out.


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