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Author Topic: OFF-to metalheads here  (Read 10282 times)


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #50 on: May 08, 2002, 06:36:01 am »

OK,you give me something to do this evening...find out
For me this solo is a typical Keith solo,but you may be right
So now,phone,fax,internet,email to find the answer

Anyway this is still the greastest R&R solo of all the galaxy

I would like to be able to speak few words with Jagger.To have many with Keith was really easy when they been in Paris,in studio.

Will listen to Beggars Banquets now


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #51 on: May 08, 2002, 08:14:48 am »

>>>>>>>the guitar solo on that record is by Brian Jones

I'm pretty sure I remember reading that they had to bring in Jimmy Page for the solos . . .


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #52 on: May 08, 2002, 09:06:01 am »

My vote for best guitarist would have to go to ex James Gang/Deep Purple guitarist Tommy Bolin, an incredible talent cut down by drugs. And how about Randy Rhoads as well, he turned out some amazing work before his demise.


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #53 on: May 08, 2002, 09:19:28 am »

Jimmy page was playing kazoo on Beggar's banquet
Brian Jones was not here most of the sessions.The only one song he was involve in was No Expectation.But it is not even sure that the slide guitar on this song is him.
As i said the solo on Sympathie for the devil is Keith

Page did work session until 66,after that Yardbirbs and Led Z.And,i have to say some quitte good albums after Led Z.And very good albums with Plant

And OF CAUSE the greatest Rock&Roll band on earth is-was-.........................

By the way i speak about ROCK=stones,pretty things-downliner sect,who
NOT about pop=beatles-hermant hermits-dave clarck 5


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #54 on: May 08, 2002, 09:36:53 am »


60s rock--so you're a big Seekers fan then?


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #55 on: May 08, 2002, 10:08:55 am »


I have A LOT of they records.I use it to level scaffoldings..........

listening to Sister Morphine on a $20 pirate cdr with 11 albums on mp3 192kps on it.With sleeves and lyrics and using-sorry-MJ 7 .


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #56 on: May 08, 2002, 10:37:25 am »

Did you delete the sentence about 'to be a d...'?


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #57 on: May 08, 2002, 10:50:55 am »

Did you ever put Patchoulli on you?Or you are to young to have do such a stupid thing?


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #58 on: May 08, 2002, 10:55:57 am »

was that question generated as a result of my seekers comment?

No, not too young

just too cautious


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #59 on: May 08, 2002, 11:11:13 am »

No,just i was thinking about it.It was a dreafull odour.We used it cause like it cops do not know if you smell from patchouli or from ......
As you may say,very stupid,the fact to smell patchouli saying you do pot,in one way.
I know even more stupid:to grill bananas peels.Because one day someone said that it has the same effect than acid.Don't ask me if yes..........


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #60 on: May 08, 2002, 11:18:19 am »

i thought you thought i was obviously stoned for making that seekers comment, so obviously so in fact, that i needed to be thinking about how i was going to hide it from others . . .


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #61 on: May 08, 2002, 11:43:36 am »

I feel like stoned.Few hours surfing in hebrew give me this feeling...It is so hard to read.
All the words together as in achairandatable in theroom.But,ice on the cake WITHOUT THE VOWELS!at 80% .So you get achrandatbl in throm
Must go out to see a band.But they play at midnight,do not think i will go.I have concerts the next three evenings,so may stay home today

listening to Guided by Voices -alien voices on mj turnable
By the way,do you know the Green Pajamas?This is a band for you


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #62 on: May 08, 2002, 04:11:25 pm »


Have you ever heard of Big Black? Late 80's early 90's punk band. Check 'em out, might be more abrasive then Husker Du.


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #63 on: May 08, 2002, 06:50:45 pm »

<<<<<<<<<<<Play the MC"5 first album,Husker Du 'zen arcade' and after you will feel that most of the metal is easy listening stuff....>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

And to think Husker Du claims to have written all their songs on a 12 string.
Sure am glad they didn't take your one string advice IMHO


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #64 on: May 09, 2002, 05:33:38 pm »


Once again, you are right on the money (and unfortunately, right in the thick of things, but that's a different topic) with Green Pajamas--they are excellent. I just can't believe that I had never heard of them! Do you have any of their work--looks like the majority of it was on cassette and LP. Hope you and yours are all still safe and sound.



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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #65 on: May 10, 2002, 03:45:33 am »

Green Pajamas

For a start ,you have some on Emusic
I do not have many records of them,cause it is not really what i like
But,IM[not so]HO,i have a quality:to not like a band and say they are great,to like a band and say they are junk
It is easy to get they cds.But you will have to go to new sites[for you] where your credit card will want to work hard................
Have a try at Get-Hip records-Cameraobscura records-but,if i am not wrong , the best tip is Parasol records.In fact they have a lot of cds out ,around 10.

2 more bands you may like-and free-The unnecessary revolution and Callisto.
They are on has also many songs on IUAMA.If they is "stream only"songs,use downloadmanager to download them.You get the mp3 on your drive

Another band you would love:RockFour.No mp3,just some short stream of all they songs.If you go to they site[],click on the sleeve on the record and after click on songs-or lyrics.You get the list of songs with a stream for each.I do not remember,cause i do not like they music.But i have to say that in the "neo english spy" they are outstanding
For me THERE IS NOT english spy.It is just pop with some backward tapes ans some idiots lyrics
Kind of :'sit on a green masmallow chair i see MHorton paiting the red sky in pink with some lemon curd-the round is world na na na with milk
I saw them yesterday evening-RockFour,not the chair,Mhorton and the milk...I cannot put they cds up on the galaxy because i have the lps,not the cds.We still have new music out on lps here.They will stay in mint condition for the next hundred years.But as my partners say'it is effort de guerre',so we buy all the records from israelis rock bands
Effort ,you understand,guerre is war.I do not remember the english  for it.In time of war,you buy national production,you give free time to help and so on
No sure if from USA you realise it,but we are at war here.They just started to call up reservistes again yesterday.More than 50,so i do not go anymore.Unless "big war"as the 6 days war
Anyway,this evening and the next rock festival
Today Astroglides:monster surf\garage-you can get songs on
     chaos rabak:very young,messy and not that good street punk-on
     Plastic Peacoks:very interesting arty band,a mix of noisy Sonic Youth with the "clean edge" aspect of Fugazy
     Punkcake:funny israeli punk

Listening to Flying Colors-one more band for you i think.......

After 2 listenings of the lp:FLYING COLOR A BAND FOR YOU
Paisley underground cook with Byrds and Buffalo S  sauce.Not sure you will find it
You have another problem with this kind of music:most of it is not on cd


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #66 on: May 10, 2002, 11:02:20 am »

MachineHead: dont want to crash the party, but viva Big Black! I dont see people mentioning them too often so I had to respond. Not sure how metal is defined but if you like raw loud scary music then give them a try. Quite a lot of rude words in their important titles and I dont want to fall foul of the rules but Songs about... is a top record. And Atomizer is even better. Plus I can recommend Shellac, Steve Albinis latest incarnation - Action park is good, and 1000 Hurts is about a bleak as it gets. A great record, but hard to listen to for me.

If you like Husker Du you will already know all about the Pixies, and At The Drive In but hey, Ill throw them in anyway Next Page



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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #67 on: May 10, 2002, 02:12:03 pm »

>>By the way i speak about ROCK=stones,pretty things-downliner sect,who
NOT about pop=beatles-hermant hermits-dave clarck 5<<

While I would classify Herman's Hermits and The Dave Clark 5 as pop bands (although the DC5 could DEFINITELY rock i.e. "bits and pieces", "Any you want it" etc..) I would absolutely NOT classify The Beatles as a pop band! The Beatles were absolutely a Rock and Roll band (i.e. "Rock and Roll music', "Helter Skelter" etc..) The first use of feedback on a rock record was on "I Feel Fine", The first concept album was of course  "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band", the incredible music on "The White Album", Revolver, Rubber Soul, Abbey Road.. Did they have their soft side?.. of course they did..BUT.. if it wasn't for them there would  NOT have been any Stones, Zeppelin, Who, Kiss etc.. they busted open the doors for everyone else. Everytime there is a list of the top 100 etc.. greatest Rock and Roll albums it seems that a Beatles album is ALWAYS #1, that does not sound like a pop band to me. No, my friend they were most definitely a GREAT Rock band.
Just my 2 cents


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #68 on: May 10, 2002, 03:29:35 pm »


Yes, I have heard of the others. Take that back, 'At the Drive In' is unknown to me. Will check them out also. Did research 'Big Black' and will probably get Atomizer and Songs about *******. Thanks for the tips.

Had to go and get some more cds last night....

The Crystal Method


The Prodigy


Just waitng for the house to clear out so I can try and vaporize another set of speakers. Next Page


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #69 on: May 10, 2002, 04:24:58 pm »

Pixies ok.At the drive,i do not think it is that a great band.I am listening now -at 3o'clock saturday morning-a cd i brought at the festival Dogwood "matt aragon'.very very good

To Jazzwolf:as you may understand there is a lot of provocation about the 4 liverpool hard workers.They have some rock songs:i'am down .They are much important for what they been than what they play.At this time,after a full evening of music[4 bands] and much more beer than bands playing,i do not feel to post my VERY BRILLANT prose about the 4.I will do it latter in the day.

To me
Husker Due IS a one string band.One string rock is a spirit,not how they play
To all of you who like extreme punk or metal just listen to the Velvet Underground
Sister Ray and let me know.Keep in mind that it was in 1967

Beside this i had a very good evening-part two this evening..........


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #70 on: May 10, 2002, 04:30:17 pm »


What's your favorite BEER? Wish you could chug a few Leinies and give your opinion. Speaking of which...


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #71 on: May 10, 2002, 05:04:57 pm »

My favorite beer?Not easy to say.This evening i had Kilkinam or a name like it.From Guiness,it is not a dark beer but what we call in France "a red or auburn" beer
I like very much europeen beers
Spaten from Germany
All the belgian beers Leffe,Gueuse.All this beers are in 750 mml bottle with a cork.
From France ,only Kronenbourg 1964.A must ,really
But here we find only the belgian ones.I do not know very well american beers.Of cause the first time i been in USA,i had to drink Buds.After 10 litters you just feel to go to pee....
I like Millers.I have a smooth spot for Corona.But here it is very expensive.In fact i am the one who drink the more at concerts.But it is not difficult,because people do not drink here,but they smoke ...kilos....I use to have one beer for each band ,and one during the break between bands,before the first band count for a break.As you can see it is not that much.
We are far from one bottle of tequila-with salt and lemon pack in a nylon bag- who was average in France and UK for a concert....I mean the quiet days
I do smoke,kilos,but i never mix drink and smoke,i am just sick,i mean very sick


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #72 on: May 10, 2002, 05:38:00 pm »

>>To Jazzwolf:as you may understand there is a lot of provocation about the 4 liverpool hard workers.They have some rock songs:i'am down .They are much important for what they been than what they play.At this time,after a full evening of music[4 bands] and much more beer than bands playing,i do not feel to post my VERY BRILLANT prose about the 4.I will do it latter in the day.<<

I'm waiting to hear about your response.. provocation?.. I don't think there is any. It is just fact.
Harrison's guitar playing inspired so many that it is almost imposible to begin..


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #73 on: May 11, 2002, 04:15:16 am »

Provocation on my side i mean

Just found out that Dogwood is a christian punk band...............
Christian punk???Not a jugement ,only i am amaze
But one of you will tell me that there is christian black metal.....

Beside it Dogwood is a really pleasant band


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #74 on: May 11, 2002, 04:56:29 am »

I just found a band on emusic last night that you might like. They are called The Dolomites (although Emusic has the name and CD misspelled as Dolemites) They are an Irish Pub Punk Rock band, I downloaded the CD which is called "Lovely Day for a Hogshead of Whiskey" and I have been listening to it all night and especially this morning. Lots of fun, makes you want to go for the bottle of Jameson's Whisky at 7:00 am


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #75 on: May 11, 2002, 09:53:51 am »


>>>Christian punk?

origin: a long since deleted chapter from the book of Acts


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #76 on: May 12, 2002, 03:36:38 pm »

Finally got a chance to actually listen to Soulfly - Soufly. Think its Maxs' first effort after leaving Selputura. Anyone else have this? Really like the song - Umbabarauma. Classic driving metal.


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RE:OFF-to metalheads here
« Reply #77 on: May 13, 2002, 05:40:27 pm »


Got another one for you...


More angry metal to scorch your eardrums.
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